Participation in Model United Nations helps our students to deliberate on international issues and in the process cultivates in them the art of leadership, diplomacy and negotiation.

Choithram Students Shine at Virtual United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 2024

November 19, 2024

Vivan Mirchandani of grade 11 received the Award for Best Delegate and Ayan Dagaonkar of grade 11 received the Verbal Commendation Award in Virtual United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 2024 organised by Yang Mei Senior High School, Taiwan on November 19, 2024. The Convention centred on the Theme: In Solidarity for a Green World witnessed participation from schools in Taiwan, Philippines, Thailand, Turkey and India. During the two-hour conference, students stepped into the shoes of global leaders, researchers, and changemakers, diving into key climate topics: Climate Finance and the NCQG Problem, Global Carbon Credit System, Loss and Damage Fund and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs).Despite being new to MUN-style activities, students of Yang Mei Senior High School, Taiwan took on roles as chairs, motion presenters, and delegates with élan.



Accolades in MU20 Opportunity Summit organised at NMIMS

October 19, 2024 to October 21, 2024

The MU20 Opportunity Summit, organized by the MU20 organization and hosted by NMIMS, provided an exciting platform for students to showcase their diplomacy and debating skills while addressing real-world issues. The summit proved to be a resounding success, offering students a remarkable learning experience to shape future leaders. In the Model United Nations following students were awarded.

1. Manasvi Patangia (IX) – Honourable Mention in UNPBC

2. Hirvi Jain (VI) – Promising Delegate in UNHCCC

3. Avani Batra (XI) – Best Diplomat in ECOSOC

4. Atharva Sethi (IX) – Honourable Mention in UNESCO



Accolades in OxfordMUN India 2024

August 12, 2024

At OxfordMUN India 2024, held at FLAME University, Pune, and organized by MU20 School of Opportunity, five students from Choithram School showcased their exceptional debating, diplomacy, and negotiation skills from August 9 to 11, 2024. Unlike other MUNs, delegates were prohibited from reading directly from their laptops and mobile phones. The Committees were chaired by alumni and graduates of Oxford University, UK.

The following students received awards:

Vivan Mirchandani (Grade 11): Outstanding Delegate in SOCHUM Committee

Aviraj Singh Dhaliwal (Grade 12): Honourable Mention in UNEP Committee

Aziz Safdari (Grade 12): Best Position Paper in WHO Committee


NMIMS -Model United Nations (MUN) 2023-24

October 30, 2023

The Model United Nations (MUN) event was successfully organized at NarseeMonjee College, Indore from October 27 to 29, 2023 by MU20 School of Opportunity. 33 delegates from grade 9 to 11 represented different countries, engaging in debates, discussions, and negotiations on various global issues. The MUN provided a platform for students to develop their skills in public speaking, research, and diplomacy.

Following students were recognized for their exceptional performances:

Best Delegate:Ayan Dagaonkar of grade 10

Special Mention: Aaradhya Vaidand Brahmi Trivedi of grade 10

Best Researcher: Vivan Mirchandani and Nishant Reddy of grade 10

Best Speaker: Prisha Sharma of grade 9

Best Diplomat:Nishant Reddy of grade 10



Participation in DPS MUN 2022 Organised by Delhi Public School, Nipania, Indore

July 8 to 10, 2022

30 students of Choithram School participated in DPS MUN 2022 organized by Delhi Public School, Nipania, Indore from July 8 to 10, 2022. The students representing different committees showcased their intellect, oratory skills and expertise over the various global issues by grabbing awards in different categories. Special Mention Award for Lok Sabha was won by Nikita Gandhe of class X D. Kshitij Goyal of Class X E won High Commendation Award for UNSC while Mukunda Maheshwari of class X A notched Honourable Mention award for UNSC. Aditya Sisodiya of class IX A won Honourable Mention Award for DISEC. Aziz Safdari of class X B, Atharva Pathak of class X B, Ayaan Dagaonkar of class IX F and Brahmi Trivedi of class IX C got verbal mentions for UNDP, AIPPM and IP respectively.


Participation in DPSRMUN Organised by Delhi Public School, Rau, Indore

April 1 to 3, 2022

10 students of Choithram School participated in DPSRMUN organized by Delhi Public School, Rau, Indore from April 1 to April 3, 2022 on the theme ‘Uniting the Ignited Minds’. The students experienced exhilarating sessions of debate and discussion on the topics, like promoting the inclusion of intangible culture heritage, freedom of speech and expression with special emphasis on Hijab ban, and many more. Vivan Mirchandani and Aditya Sisodiya of class VIII A, Brahmi Trivedi of class VIII D were recipients of Honorable Mention while Hardik Jotwani of class X B received High Commendation in WHO Committee.


Participation in SOSS MUN Organised by School of Social Science, DAVV, Indore

March 29 to 30, 2022

29 students from class VI to X attended DAVV MUN organized by School of Social Science, DAVV, Indore from March 29 to 30, 2022 on the theme ‘ज्ञानदीपेनसंसारभयंनिवर्तते॥’ The students experienced exhilarating sessions with an unrivalled Model UN experience by running highly-personalized, engaging and dynamic crisis committees. While discussing and debating on topics like crypto currency sector in India, electoral reforms, cyber war, cybercrime, legalization of marijuana for medical purpose, leadership in public places, the students learnt the art of political analysis, problem solving, public speaking, international relations and diplomacy. Choithram School was the only school to participate in SOSS, MUN with college level students. Vivan Mirchandani of class VIII A and Padmakshi Sharma of class VI B received Special Mention in Lok Sabha and WHO respectively.



Choithramians Independently Organize Global CHMUN – Choithram Model United Nations

September 26 & 27, 2020



Choithramians Independently Organize CHMUN – Choithram Model United Nations For Own School Students

September 19 to 21, 2019



Choithramians Independently Organize CHMUN – Choithram Model United Nations For Own School Students

September 15 to 17, 2018



Participation in NIMUN – Navrachna International Model United Nations organized by Navrachna International School, Vadodara

August 31 & September 1, 2018

Eight students of classes X, XI and XII of the school participated in NIMUN on August 31 and September at Navrachna International School, Vadodara. NIMUN witnessed participation of more than 200 students from 19 schools across the country and from International School Stockholm Region, Sweden. The two day event was inaugurated by Geoff Wain, British deputy High Commissioner. Hussain Badnagarwala of class XI B received the Best Delegate Award in DISEC Committee.

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Participation in Indore MUN – Indore World Summit Organized by Renaissance University, Indore

August 17 to 19, 2018

45 students of Choithram School from class VIII to XII participated in Indore MUN – Indore World Summit MUN) held at Renaissance University, Indore. The Critique was held in The Emerald Heights International School and Indore MUN at Renaissance University. The Summit provided a platform to the young ones to express their views on diverse international issues. Deval Maheshwari of class VIII E notched High Commendation Award in WTO committee while Anna Pathak of class VIII E got Special Mention Award in UNDP Committee. Jayad Chhabra of class VIII G and Srishti Jaisinghani of VIII A were the recipients of Honourable Mention in WTO Committee while Sajal Maheshwari of IX C bagged Verbal Mention in DISEC Committee. Best Photography award in IP Committee was grabbed by Palash Lakhani of class VIII A.

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Choithramians Independently Organize CHMUN – Choithram Model United Nations For Own School Students

September 15 to 17, 2017

Participation in EHMUN – Emerald Heights Model United Nations organized by The Emerald Heights International School, Indore

April 25 to 27, 2017

16 students from class VII to X participated in EHMUN – Emerald Heights Model United Nations organized by The Emerald Heights International School from April 25 to 27, 2017, theme of which was ‘Bridging Barriers: Solidarity in a world divided by xenophobia’. The conference witnessed students from all over India deliberating on various issues that affect the world. Shreya Khiani of class IX and Sahaj Joshi of class X received the Best Reporter Award while Jayesh Agrawal of class X and Idris Murrabi of class VIII received Best Verbal Mention.

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Participation in Shishukunj MUN Organized by Shishukunj International School, Indore

July 20 to 22, 2017

23 students participated in Shishukunj MUN organized by Shishukunj International School, Indore from July 20 to 22, 2016 focusing on the theme ‘Reinventing and Revitalizing the Force of Humanity’. The Conference which witnessed participation of 440 delegates from 15 schools of the country adopted the UN4MUN procedures, involving students in intense debates and discussions on global issues. Pramey Kabra of class X received the Diplomacy Award.

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Participation in CIMUN – Choithram International Model United Nations organized by Choithram International, Indore

November 10 to 12, 2016

16 students from classes VI to X participated in CIMUN – Choithram International Model United Nations organized by Choithram International from November 10 to 12, 2016. Shreya Khiani of class VIII was honoured with the Best Delegate Award, Pramey Kabra of class IX received outstand commendation, Anmol Tiwari of class VI and Guneet S. Saini of class VII received Verbal Commendations while Idris Murabbi of class 7 received Verbal Mention.

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Participation in AIMUN – Amity International Model United Nations organized by Amity University, Noida

November 17 to 19, 2016

Nine students of classes IX to XII of our school participated in AIMUN – Amity International Model United Nations organized by Amity University, Noida from November 17 to 19, 2016 which witnessed participation of students from many schools of India and various parts of the globe. Revolving around the theme, ‘Walk Together, Talk Together; Let there be Unity in Thoughts’, the students deliberated vociferously and confidently on international issues.


Participation in NIMUN – Navrachna International Model United Nations organized by Navrachna International School, Vadodara

September 2 & 3, 2016

Eight student of classes VIII, X and XII of the school participated in NIMUN – Navrachna International Model United Nations on September 2 & 3, 2016 at Navrachna International School, Vadodara. NIMUN witnessed participation of 150 students from 14 schools across the country and from International School Stockholm Region, Sweden. NIMUN served to educate student delegates about current events, burning issues in international relations, diplomacy and the United Nations agenda.

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Participation of Class IX Students in Intra School Model United Nations Session

August 29, 2016

Dr. Shankar Gargh, an educationist of great repute, an Environment Consultant and UN Accredited Press Representative, presided over the Model United Nations (MUN) Session at Choithram School on August 29, 2016. Britta Heinle, an AFS volunteer from Germany and Katia Kozachok, a one year exchange student from USA were the other guests on the occasion. Class IX students debated, discussed and deliberated on various issues related to ‘Reducing carbon emissions and global warming’ in USA, UK, India, China, Nigeria and Ethiopia. The young delegates brainstormed on the urgent need for reducing carbon emissions to reduce global warming in different parts of the world and passed a resolution to fulfill this need.

The MUN session comprised of speech by Secretarial General, followed by GSL’s i.e The General speaker leaders of different countries putting forth their views on the specified agenda, moderated and umoderated Caucus as well as drafting of a resolution.

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Participation in Shishukunj MUN Organized by Shishukunj International School, Indore

July 23 to 25, 2016

15 students of classes VI to XII of our school participated in Shishukunj MUN organized by Shishukunj International School, Indore from July 23 to 25, 2016 focusing on the theme ‘Evolving Perceptions of a Dynamic World’. The Conference witnessed high level of debating on international issues between the delegates from all over the country. Nakul Bhachawat of class VIII A received High Commendation while Disha Trivedi of class XII F, Rudraksh Pathak of class VIII B and Ishan Puranik of class X D received Verbal Commendation.

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Participation in AIMUN – Amity International Model United Nations organized by Amity University, Noida

November 19 to 21, 2015

11 students of classes IX and X participated in AIMUN – Amity International Model United Nations organized by Amity University, Noidafrom November 19 to 21, 2018 which witnessed participation of students from several schools of India as well as different countries. Revolving around the theme, ‘Thoughts Transform the World’, the students played the role of politicians and delegates of various nations and expressed their views on difficulties the world faces.The experience benefitted the students to sharpen their speaking and listening blades and also enhanced their knowledge about the procedure for resolution and amendment along with the development of leadership and management skills.


Participation in EHMUN – Emerald Heights Model United Nations organized by The Emerald Heights International School, Indore

November 1 and 2, 2015

12 students from classes VI to VIII of our school participated in EHMUN – Emerald Heights Model United Nations organized by The Emerald Heights International School on November 1 and 2, 2015, theme of which was ‘In a gentle way, you change the world’. Various agendas were discussed related to small arms and light weapons, extremists groups and gun policies of different countries. The speakers from every committee expressed their view points on the burning issues prevailing all over the world and suggested remedies to solve the problems. NilayMaru of class VIII C received ‘The Verbal Mention’ while IshitaRochlani of class VII B was complimented for being the ‘Best Dressed Delegate’.


Participation in IIMUN – Indian International Model United Nations organized at Choithram International, Indore

October 9 to 11, 2015

More than 5000 students from various schools across the country participated in The Indian International Model United Nations titled ‘The Leadership Conclave’ and organized at Choithram International from October 9 to 11, 2016. Ranjodh Singh Arora of class X G received Verbal Mention in the Lok Sabha.


Participation in Indore MUN organized by Shri Vaishnav Institute of Technology and Science, Indore

July 25 & 26, 2015

20 students of our school participated in Indore MUN organized by Shri Vaishnav Institute of Technology and Science on July 25 & 26, 2015. All the agendas in the committees were based around the theme, ‘Cause just thinking won’t make a difference..Speaking out will!’ Dhruvikaa Ahuja of class XI was the delegate of Venezuela in the committee UNHRC whose agenda was discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. Apart from bagging Honourable Mention Award, the research work helped her to develop sensitivity towards the agenda and broadened her mindset for the same. The agenda proposed for the conference challenged the participants to rethink developments in the international arena and the future needs of the international community.

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Participation in IIMUN – India International Model United Nations Hosted by Choithram International, Indore

November 21 to 23, 2014

12 students of the school participated in IIMUN – India International Model United Nations hosted by Choithram International, Indore from November 21 to 23, 2014.In the words of our MUNer Dhruvikaa Ahuja of class X A, ‘Surrounded with the delegates of different states and discussing upon a global agenda was a matter of pride and responsibility in IIMUN. I feel that MUNs are more about debate, dominance and diplomacy. IIMUN has helped find these virtues in me.’ Dhruvikaa Ahuja of class X A and Anshika Bhargava of class IX A received Special Mention while Mayur Matta of class X D and Mrigank Shekhar Singh of class X F received Verbal Mention.

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Participation in AIMUN – Amity International Model United Nations organized by Amity University, Noida

November 13 to 15, 2014

Five students of our school participated in Amity International Model United Nations organized by Amity University, Noida which witnessed participation of over 600 high school students from 40 schools of India and seven International schools located inFrance, South Africa, Slovakia, Italy, Maldives and Japan from November 13 to 15, 2014. In the words of our MUNer Saish Shrivastava of class X, ‘AIMUN is a spark which ignites one’s mind with enthusiasm and confidence. It provides a wide platform for learning, reading, expressing and above all, enhancing. MUNs are not meant for competitions and debating in a hall, but are like a GYM where we practice and develop ourselves.’

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Participation of Class X Students in Intra School MUN General Assembly Session

August 19, 2013

Ms. Sherin Khan, Senior Specialist on Child Labour in International Labour Organization (ILO), an agency of United Nations presided over the Mock United Nations (MUN) General Assembly Session at our school on August 19, 2013. The MUN session served as a platform for Class X students to debate, discuss and deliberate on various issues related to human rights violation in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Sri Lanka and Syria. The young delegates brainstormed on the urgent need for maintaining peace on the planet earth and passed a resolution to fulfill this need. The Chief Guest Ms. Sherin Khan called it an amazing session and said that she was truly impressed with the level of research, the articulation and the presentation by the students. The session was also attended by short term and one year exchange students of Germany, Italy and Thailand studying in the Daly College, The Emerald Heights International School and The Shishukunj International School.

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