NameDesignationEducational QualificationsTotal Teaching Experience (yrs)Email-Id
Mr. Rajesh AwasthiPrincipalM.Phil., M.A.(Geog), MBA(HR), B.Ed.32[email protected]
Mr. S. K. MishraVice PrincipalM.Sc. (Maths), M.C.M., B.Ed.38[email protected]
Mrs. Smita BhargavaPrimary InchargeM.A.(English), Mont. Trained, B.Ed., M.A.(Psychology)22[email protected]
Mrs. Raminder Kaur MacDean International AffairsM.A. (English), B.A. (Hons.) Economics from Hindu College, Delhi University, B.Ed.25[email protected]
Mrs. Pushplata MishraCo-ordinator – Activities Senior SchoolM.A.(Hindi), B.Ed.33[email protected]
Mrs. Raji PillaiCo-ordinator –Activities
Junior School
M.Sc.(Maths), B.Ed.25[email protected]
Mrs. Tarvinder Kaur GhaiCo-ordinator –Class-IM.A. (Eng.), B.Sc. (Comp.),B.Ed.13[email protected]
Ms. Sapna BhatnagarCo-ordinator Senior MontessoriL.L.B., B.Com. , Mont. Trained, B.Ed.,Diploma in computers22[email protected]
Ms. Kanchan KapoorCo-ordinator Junior MontessoriB.A., Mont. Trained18[email protected]
Ms. Pooja JoshiCo-ordinator NurseryB.Sc., Mont. Trained17[email protected]
Mr. Suresh DhageExamination InchargeM.Sc. (Maths), B.Ed.28[email protected]


NameEducational QualificationsTotal Teaching Experience (yrs)Email-Id
Mrs. Chitralekha KulkarniM.Phil. (Eng.), M.A., B.Ed., LLB27[email protected]
Mrs. Dipti Telang (HOD)M.Sc. (Zoo.), M.A. (Eng.), B.Ed, CIG (IGNOU)27[email protected]
Mrs. Swati ManjrekarM.A. (Eng.), B.Ed.26[email protected]
Mrs. Kamini ShuklaM.A. (Eng.), B.Ed., Diploma in Computer Science ,D.Ed.25[email protected]
Mrs. Kuldeep Kaur ChhabraM.A. (Eng.), B.Ed.24[email protected]
Mrs. Arti VishwakarmaM.A. (Eng.), B.Ed.23[email protected]
Mrs. Deepti VyasM.A. (Eng.), B.Ed., Diploma in Computer Application23[email protected]
Mrs. Santosh JoshiM.B.A (H.R.) ,M.A. (Eng.Lit.), B.Com., B.Ed.,PGDCA.14[email protected]
Ms. Sangeeta GuptaB.Ed., M.A.(English Lit.),M.phil20[email protected]
Ms. Pramila DhundaleM.A.(English Lit.), B.Ed.19[email protected]
Ms. Meenu PanditM.A.(English Lit.), B.Ed.,M.Ed21[email protected]
Ms. Sukruti SingiM.A.(English Lit.)06[email protected]
Mrs. Shilpa Khargonkar (HOD)M.A. (Hindi), B. Ed.24[email protected]
Mrs. Reshma DaveM.A.(Sanskrit),  B.Ed., PGDCA25[email protected]
Dr.Mrs. Vijaya ShrotriyaPh.D, M.A. (Hindi), B.Ed.25[email protected]
Mrs. Mamta SharmaM.Phil., M.A. (Hindi, Sociology), B.Ed.21[email protected]
Ms. Priyanka ShrivastavaM.A. in Hindi , B.ED., PGDCA, DISM, DIP in Vocal Music18[email protected]
Mrs. Sugandha NannoreM.A.(Hindi, Philosophy, Sanskrit, Economics), B.Ed.17[email protected]
Ms. Ananya NaikM.A.(Hindi), M.A.(Psychology),M.Ed.,PGDCA07[email protected]
Ms. Manju AjmeraM.A.(Hindi),B.Ed.,NTT,CTET16[email protected]
Ms.Ranjana ChauhanM.A.(Hindi,Sanskrit),B.Ed.21[email protected]
Mrs. Abeda Raotiwala (HOD)M.Sc. (Maths), B.Ed.16[email protected]
Mrs. Bharati PandeyM.Sc. (Maths), MBA(HRM), B.Ed31[email protected]
Mr. Lakhan Lal GuptaM.Sc. (Maths), M.Ed.31[email protected]
Mrs. Umang ParmaniB.Sc., B.Ed.15[email protected]
Mrs. Neelima ShahM.Sc. (Maths), B.Ed.22[email protected]
Mrs. Ranjana BokilM.A., B.Sc., B.Ed.29[email protected]
Ms. Annie ResinM.Sc. (Maths), B.Ed.,CTET14[email protected]
Mr. Aniket RaiB.Sc,M.Sc.(Maths),B.Ed09[email protected]
Mrs Rudra VyasB.Sc,M.Sc.(Maths),B.Ed07[email protected]
Mr Ankit GuptaM.Sc.(Maths),B.Ed04[email protected]
Science – Chemistry
Mrs. Varsha Khamgaonkar (HOD)M.Sc.(Chem.), B.Ed.22[email protected]
Mrs. Manisha SharmaM.Phil (chem) , M.Sc. (Chem.), B.Ed26[email protected]
Mrs. Rashmi GhanekarM.Sc.(Chem.), B.Ed.24[email protected]
Ms. Vaishali JainM.Sc.(Chem.), B.Ed.21[email protected]
Mrs. Ritu GondalM.Sc.(Chem.), B.Ed.16[email protected]
Ms.Meghna KaitwadeM.Sc.(Chem.), B.Ed.16[email protected]
Mr. Vinay SharmaM.Sc.(Phy.), B.Ed.27[email protected]
Mrs. Kalpana TiwariM.Sc.(Phy.), B.Ed.27[email protected]
Mrs. Rohini SongaonkarM.Sc.(Phy.), B.Ed.17[email protected]
Mr. Vishal SanwatsarM.Sc.(Physics) , B.Ed09[email protected]
Dr. Mrs. Sangeeta ThanderP.hd. ,M.Sc.(Zoology),B.Ed.18[email protected]
Mrs.Arti AlshiB.Ed, M.Sc.(Applied Physics)20[email protected]
Mrs. Prerna SharmaM.Sc.,B.Ed08[email protected]
Ms. Trapti MaheshwariM.Sc (Chemistry),B.Ed,M.A(English literature)13[email protected]
Social Science
Mrs. Deepali Ahirrao(HOD)M. Phil. (Geog.), M.A., B.Ed.24[email protected]
Dr. Shoeb AdilB.Sc., M.A.(Hist), B.Ed. M.Phil.(Ancient Hist), Ph.D.29[email protected]
Ms. Harvinder K. ShairyM.Com,  B.Ed.27[email protected]
Ms. Manjushree JainM.A. (Eco.), B.Ed.22[email protected]
Ms. Asha, M.A History, BEd.21[email protected]
Ms. Kiran VyasM.A. (History),B.Ed.,ITI, CTET19[email protected]
Mrs. Daksha LashkariM.COM , B.Ed15[email protected]
Mrs. Dinaz NanavattiB.A, B.Ed15[email protected]
Mrs. Sandhya MishraM.S.W.(Social Work)15[email protected]
Ms. Poonam NotaniM.B.A (H.R) , M.A (Political Science) , BE.D11[email protected]
Ms. Surabhi ShastriM.A. (Psychology), M.A. (Economics),Diploma Course in Guidance & Counselling10[email protected]
Ms.Abhilasha PurushothamanM.A. (Psychology),PGD in Guidance & Counselling,PGDCA.10[email protected]
 Ms. Ankita Jain (HOD)M.B.A., B.Ed.10[email protected]
Ms. Vinita SisodiyaM.Com., MBA, B.Ed.13[email protected]
Ms. Shashi UpadhyayM.Com.(Taxation), M.A(Economics), M.Ed.21[email protected]
Ms. Shalini SarafM.Phil, M.Com., B.Ed.22[email protected]
Mrs. Sumit BhatiaM.Com. (Acc.), B.Ed.14[email protected]
Ms. Neha ChittodaM.B.A., B.Ed.06[email protected]
Ms. Harprit Kaur BhatiaB.Sc,B.ed ,MBA07[email protected]
Ms. Pardeep Arora (HOD)B.E. (IT)10[email protected]
Mrs. Madhurima PuranikB.Sc., BC.Ed., M.C.Ed. ,M.C.A (pursuing) , MTA I level certification29[email protected]
Mr. Mayank GodboleB.E(CS), B.Ed (Pursuing)13[email protected]
Mrs. Sneha SharmaB.Sc, M.Sc(Computer Science)01[email protected]
Ms. Diksha SantwaniM.E (Computer Science)06[email protected]
Amit JoshiB.SC., MCA, B.Ed12[email protected]


NameEducational QualificationsTotal Teaching Experience (yrs)Email-Id
Mrs. Jinitha Chahande (HOD)B.Sc.(Comp. maint.), M.A. (English)11[email protected]
Ms. Ruchi ChaturvediB.A., B.Ed., GNIIT18[email protected]
Ms. Kusum WadhwaB.Com.(Hons.) Delhi University17[email protected]
Ms. Rupali TomarB.Sc. ,M.A ,B.Ed.16[email protected]
Mrs. Surbhi MaheshwariB.Sc. ,M.Sc ,B.Ed, MA in English literature- perusing01[email protected]
Mrs. Meeta Pandit (HOD)M.A.(Hindi), B.Sc.(Maths),B.Ed.15[email protected]
Ms. Amita SharmaB.H.Sc., M.A. (Hindi), B.Ed25[email protected]
Ms. Aparna ChavanM.A.(Hindi), B.Ed., Computer Diploma18[email protected]
Mrs. Mithlesh ShuklaM. A. (Hindi ), B.Ed.17[email protected]
Ms. Megha PhadnisMA Hindi, B.ed, CTet(first group cleared)15[email protected]
MS. Neha Vaid (HOD)M.Sc. (Maths), B.Ed..09[email protected]
Mrs. Varsha PahujaB.Sc., B.Ed.11[email protected]
Ms. Davinder KaurB.Sc., B.Ed.,CTET, Computer diploma11[email protected]
Ms.Pooja WadhwaniB.B.A.(Management), B.Ed. (Math+Commerce)11[email protected]
Ms. Navneet Bhatia (HOD)M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry, Drugs), B.Ed.13[email protected]
Ms. Vinita BadlaniMBA(Finance Marketing), B.Ed., B.Sc.(Bio.)12[email protected]
Ms. Shakti JoshiM.Sc.(Biotechnology), B.Ed.09[email protected]
Ms. Priyanka ShuklaM.Sc.(Biotechnology)10[email protected]
Ms. Ankita BhawsarM.Sc.(Chemistry)01[email protected]
Social Science
Ms. Supriya Supekar (HOD)B.Sc. (Micro.), Mont. Training17[email protected]
Ms. Abhilasha MalviyaB.Com, MSW, MA (Eng), B.Ed., MA (Economics)10[email protected]
Ms.Mahima SinghM.B.A ( Insurance), Fellow from Insurance Institute of India,M.A. ( English literature).02[email protected]
Ms.Nivedita VermaBA, B.Ed., CTET01[email protected]
Ms.Arpita JainMCA11[email protected]
Ms. Garima KalbhawarB.Sc, M.Sc (CS), B.ed06[email protected]
Ms. Rupali KangoB.Sc(CS) ,MCA ,B.Ed02[email protected]
Ms. Ruchi MehtaM.Sc.(Computer Science)06[email protected]
Class II
Ms. Ravindra ChouhanB.Com., Diploma in Computers, B.Ed.21[email protected]
Mrs. Poonam DaveM.A. B.Ed.13[email protected]
Ms. Hina puriBHM,MTM,B.Ed.08[email protected]
Ms. Alisha NavlaniB.E, B.Ed.09[email protected]
Ms. Anuja LaadB.Com., MBA, B.Ed.07[email protected]
Ms. Nupur ChawlaB. Com, MBA04[email protected]
Ms. Deepa HablaniB.COM, B.Ed(Commerce and English), M.A(Economics)05[email protected]
Class I
Ms. Dimple HemnaniB.Com16[email protected]
Ms. Mahima VermaB.Sc., B.Ed., ADC (Diploma in Computers)19[email protected]
Ms. Richa SaxenaM.Com., B.Ed.14[email protected]
Ms. Aarti ManghaniB.Com., B.Ed., pursuing MA (English Literature)14[email protected]
Ms. Shweta ChopraMBA,B.Ed.06[email protected]
Ms. Arti YadavM.Com ,M.A(English) , B.Ed11[email protected]
Ms. Rashmi KanadkarL.L.B., B.Com., Mont. Trained20[email protected]
Ms. Tanvi KekreM.A. (English Literature), Montessori Trained, Diploma in Computer, UC MAS trained, Cleared Elementary and Intermediate Drawing grade exams (Maharashtra Govt.), Jolly Phonics trained16[email protected]
Ms. Monika PathakM.Com,B.Ed.16[email protected]
Ms. Divya RochlaniB.Com., Mont. Trained14[email protected]
Ms. Bhavika AhujaM.Sc., Mont. Trained12[email protected]
Ms. Priya BasraiB.A., Mont. Trained07[email protected]
Ms. Anjali TalrejaMontessori Trained, E.c. ed&Administration,B.ed08[email protected]
Mrs. Shikha RajaniGraduate (B.COM),Montessori Trained,Diploma in Fancy Arts07[email protected]
Ms. Heena RathiMA English lit., B.Ed14[email protected]
Ms. Sonal MaheshwariMBA, BCA11[email protected]
Ms. Deepti RanadiveMBA(HR),Montessori trained ,pursuing B.Ed.08[email protected]
Ms. kashish kakwaniB.Com,Montessori trained07[email protected]
Ms. Neha DokeM.Com,Montessori trained06[email protected]
Ms. Rishil HardiaB.Com , Montessori trained, pursuing B.A English Literature.06[email protected]
Ms. Megha WankhedeB.Com , B.Ed06[email protected]
Ms. Meenakshi KabraM.A. (English Literature), N.T.T.(Nursery Teachers Training)14[email protected]
Ms. Monica KhandelwalMBA, Mont. Training, Diploma in personal management14[email protected]
Ms. Deepika PuraswaniB.Com, Montessori Trained, B.Ed.04[email protected]
Ms. Manisha DhoteB.A., M.B.A. in finance,E.Ed(Pursing)03[email protected]
Ms. Tanya BahlM.F.C in finance and control,B.Com(Hons),B.Ed (Pursing)03[email protected]
Ms. Sanskruti GagraniMontessori trained -Graduate (BBA)01[email protected]
Ms. Manisha MangwaniB.Ed, M.A in Eng. Lit., Montessori trained03[email protected]
Ms. Sheetal Shah B.Com graduate NTT trained04[email protected]


NameEducational QualificationsTotal Teaching Experience (yrs)Email-Id
CCA (Indoor)Performing Art
Mrs. Amrita Tiwari (HOD)M.A. (Music)15[email protected]
Ms. Aditi OswalB.A. (Kathak Dance pursuing)20[email protected]
Mrs. Shambhavi TiwariM A(Kathak And Eng. Litr.), Dip (Kathak)11[email protected]
Mr. Sumit SharmaM A (Music)09[email protected]
CCA (Indoor)Visual Art.
Mrs. Nidhi Jain (HOD Visual Art)M.Phil (Eco), B ed.15[email protected]
Mrs. Sunita UpadhyayMFA (Creative Painting)18[email protected]
Mr. Santosh PrajapatClay Modelling , D.El.Ed15[email protected]
Ms. Ramandeep BaxiDiploma in fine art04[email protected]
Ms. Shefali GawdeMaster in fine art04[email protected]
CCA (Outdoor)
Mr. Ashish Raghuwanshi (HOD)B.P.E.S05[email protected]
Mr. Devendra SinghB.P.E, M.P.E14[email protected]
Ms. Neeta PathakB.P.Ed., Diploma in Yoga Education19[email protected]
Mr. Dharmendra AsatiB.P.Ed, B.Com.17[email protected]
Mr. Vishal TiwariB.P.Ed., M.A. (Eco.), B.Com15[email protected]
Mr. Hitendra RaikwarB.P.Ed.11[email protected]
Ms. Radha KushwahaB.P.Ed.08[email protected]
Ms. Ritika ChauhanB.E.09[email protected]
Mr. Birendra Singh BishtM.Ped07[email protected]
Mr. Akshay SingareM.Ped08[email protected]
Supporting Staff (Academic)
Mrs. Suman JaiswalB.Com., M. Lib.13[email protected]
Mrs.Deepika soniM.Com., M. Lib.11[email protected]
Lab Assistants
Mr. Snehadeep KashivM.Sc.(Chemistry)20[email protected]
Mrs. Kavita ChourasiaB.Sc.17[email protected]
Mr. Yogesh, B.Com, M.Sc. (Computer Science), MTA I Level Certification16[email protected]
Mr. Pawan ChitariMCM14[email protected]/td>
Mr. Ajay MahiwalB.Sc. (C.S.) Hons14[email protected]
Mr. Gourav TiwariM.Sc. (Elex & Communication), B.Ed, PGDCA12[email protected]
Mr. Rohit MewadeM.Sc. (Computer Science)09[email protected]
Mr. Vijaypal Singh DodiyaB.C.A.09[email protected]
Administrative Staff
Mr. Mahesh BaluchiExecutive Officer