
Skills Builder: Crafting a Path for Growth

Essential skills unlock learning in the classroom, boosting academic outcomes, perseverance and self-belief.In a rapidly evolving world, where change is the only constant, the importance of continuous learning and skill development cannot be overstated. Students with skills are proven to think more critically about what they are learning, create and communicate new ideas and work in collaboration.


At Choithram,we follow the Montessori method of education, which is based on self-directed activities, hands-on learning and collaborative play. A collaborative project with the skillsbuilder hub helped to give a strategic integration plan aligned with the school’s educational objectives. This partnership supportsovercoming the challenges andensures that every teacher iswell-equipped to build the essential skills in their students. A huge array of resourceswas provided to the mentors for building essential skills like Listening, Speaking, Problem Solving, Creativity, Staying Positive, Aiming High, Leadership and Teamwork along with an easy way to track progress. Each skill is broken into sixteen steps across four main stages. Based on thecurrent skill level, the project can be started at any of these stages or a specific step can be chosen to focus on from beginners to mastery.


Implementation steps:

  • Understand the existing skills: Reflect on the current essential skills of children and identify any gaps.

  • See what progress looks like: The mentor focuses on the next steps to be involvedin improving the essential skills further to get a balanced understanding of strengths and weaknesses.

  • Capturing success: Monitoring the progress of children and providing opportunities to articulate their skills better.

At the Montessori level working was carried out for Step 0 wherein we conducted various activities designed for particular age groups such as making music, listening and learning, memory magic, sunny days, puppet interruptions, taking turns, pause or stopping, sorry dolls, careful cutting, my favourite toy/character, what animal am I, chatty constructions, listen and follow, character creation, soundscapes, imaginary animals, emotion faces, what can I do? what makes you happy? emotion pairs and many more. The impact of all these activities on the children was immediate, with a high level of engagement and development of effective communication and confidence.


Ms Neha Doke

My World – A Better Place to Live

Gone are the days when learning used to revolve around a single curriculum, set of books and with a similar set of teaching techniques. Presently, schooling has undergone a revolution and transition with advancement in resources technically and intellectually. Now the process of learning is not constrained to the four walls of classrooms and books but everywhere around us.


At Choithram, the aim is to inculcate basic human values and sensitivity towards immediate surroundings in young minds. Social Studies as a subject is introduced at the primary stage with the activity-based approach where these young minds are exposed to learning through hands-on experiences along with experiential learning through activities. The self-designed teaching resources along with the planned activities target to make the learners not only aware individuals but also encourage and train them to become future problem solvers to make a difference.


Social Studies lessons are full of activities and involve the learner’s own thinking. For e.g. In ‘PUC Check’ activity, students made their parents aware and encouraged them to get their vehicles checked and get the PUC i.e., Pollution Under Control Certificate. The designed activities not only add to the process of learning but also make these independent learners become thinkers ushering a ray of hope for the future thereby contributing to make this world a better place to live in.


The Journey from Tears to Cheers……

Nursery Child’s First Day at School

Entering the outer world through school life is a big step for little ones. Imagine a bunch of nursery children, some as young as three years old, stepping into a classroom filled with strangers, a new routine and a world of initial hiccups.


The Tears of Separation:

Imagine the scenario of the first day of nursery class, and all the little ones cling to their parents’ legs, crying their hearts out, and parents trying to reassure kids that everything will be okay. This is the first hiccup, the separation anxiety. It is natural for children to feel this way when they are away from their parents for the first time.


The Challenge of the New Routine:

In the world of nursery school, routine is everything. From circle time to snacks time, children need to adapt to a structured schedule and common code of conduct, which can be a big adjustment. This is another hiccup on their journey to love the school.


Real-Life Example:

Nursery students have a one-word solution till they come to school and that is “Mommy.” When they come to school, they start crying and say “Mumma pas jana hai”. We realise their requirement is something different and try to make them comfortable by asking “Do you want to go to the washroom/ drink water? Are you hungry or feeling sleepy?” They get relaxed as per the correct choice and stop crying.


From Hiccups to Cheers:

So, now comes the beautiful part of how the crying days turn into smiling weeks and the smiling weeks into happy months for nursery children i.e. from tears to cheers. Nursery kids begin to look forward to school with excitement and they start developing a bond with the mentor. They share every bit with her and start bringing their favourite toys or drawings to share with their teachers and friends. Nursery class is like a colourful adventure, filled with new experiences, challenges and most importantly, love and care. It’s where initial hiccups turn into laughter, tears into smiles and where children learn, play and grow. As parents and teachers, we play a crucial role in supporting our little ones in this journey. By offering comfort, creating a nurturing environment and fostering a love for learning and friendship, this grade is a beautiful transformation which is worth cherishing.


खेल खेल में सीखें हिन्दी

यहां हर कक्षा रंगमंच हो जाती है तथा हर विद्यार्थी एक उत्सुक कलाकार।
कहीं छोटे बड़े बच्चों का कवि सम्मेलन हो रहा है , तो कहीं गांव का दृश्य बनाकर किस्से कहानियां सुनाई जा रही हैं ।


ये सारे प्रयास हिंदी भाषा के चारों कौशलों श्रवण, पठन, लेखन, बोलना आदि को रोचक ढंग से विकसित करने के लिए किए जा रहे हैं। माध्यमिक स्तर तक सभी बच्चों के लिए बड़ी ही सुंदर ,सटीक, रोचक तथा मूल्य आधारित पठन सामग्री संकलित की गई है। सभी पाठों के अधिगम उद्देश्यों की पूर्ति हेतु कई सारी छोटी-छोटी गतिविधियां डिज़ाइन की गई हैं। विषय संवर्धन गतिविधियां भी चारों कौशलों पर आधारित अलग-अलग प्रकार से संचालित की जाती है। बच्चे स्वयं कक्षा प्रस्तुति तथा नुक्कड़ नाटकों की पटकथा लिखते हैं , प्रभावी नारे, स्लोगन आदि बनाकर कई सामाजिक मुद्दों जैसे- पर्यावरण संरक्षण, बेटी बचाओ बेटी पढ़ाओ, वसुधैव कुटुंबकम् , बुजुर्गों का सम्मान , मित्रता, विज्ञान का सदुपयोग आदि पर प्रभावी अभिव्यक्ति देते हैं ।


संस्कृत कक्षाओं से पूर्व सभी कक्षाओं में श्लोक उच्चारण से वातावरण गूंजित होता है। भाषा पर आधारित प्रश्न मंच, खेल तथा सदन में कविता- कहानी कथन, शब्दों की शुद्ध वर्तनी प्रतियोगिता आदि समय-समय पर करवाई जाती है। बच्चों में साहित्य के प्रति प्रेम एवं आदर जगाने के लिए साहित्य उत्सव का आयोजन भी किया जाता है, जिसमें प्रसिद्ध नाटक- उपन्यासों के अमर पात्रों का जीवंत अभिनय बच्चों द्वारा करके सभी को उनसे अवगत कराया जाता है।


परीक्षा में बच्चों को अवधारणा तथा मूल्यों पर आधारित प्रश्न देकर उनके द्वारा दिए गए स्वतंत्र मुक्त उत्तरों को भी स्वीकार करते हैं, जिससे कक्षा के प्रत्येक बच्चे के विचारों एवं अभिव्यक्ति को सम्मान मिले तथा उनमें भाषाओं के प्रति प्रेम और शुद्धता बनी रहे। ये सारे प्रयास ही भाषा की परिभाषा तथा उद्देश्यों को सार्थक कर रहे हैं।


“Building Character: The Role of Values in Education”

Values play a crucial role in our personal growth and development, shaping our beliefs, attitudes and behaviour. They serve as guiding principles that influence our decision-making and lead us to discover our true-life purpose, fostering responsibility and personal growth. In today’s fast-paced and intricate world, the significance of value education has escalated across different life stages. To instil values in the younger generation, we need a curriculum emphasizing how individuals should treat others and be treated themselves.


Education is a potent tool for instilling values. All educational institutions share the responsibility of nurturing both knowledge and values. It is the responsibility of educational institutions to shape the morals of students and not just impart knowledge. Since, school paves the foundation for every child’s learning, adding value-based education to the school curriculum can help them learn the most important values right from the start of their academic journey. Values cannot be taught like subjects such as History, Science, or Math. They are best developed through carefully planned situations within subjects.


We at Choithram believe in integrating value education into the academic curriculum rather than treating it as an extracurricular activity. By embedding behavioural objectives within our lesson plans across subjects, we can instil moral values concurrently with academic progress. These objectives allow educators to focus on developing personal, spiritual, environmental and social values among the students depending on the subject matter. Starting at the primary level, it shapes individuals’ conscience, ethical framework and conduct thereby equipping them for their future to make sound decisions in challenging situations and enhancing their decision-making abilities.


Incorporating behavioural objectives ensures a comprehensive approach to a child’s personality development. It provides a positive direction to a student’s life as they are taught about the right values and ethics. It helps students find their true purpose towards serving society and doing their best to become a better version of themselves.



Parenting is a life time job and does not stop when a child grows up….

Parenthood is a remarkable journey filled with love, laughter, challenges and growth. As parents, we play a vital role in shaping the lives of our children, equipping them with the skills and values they need to thrive in the world. While each child is unique, there are certain general parenting tips that can serve as guiding principles to foster a healthy and nurturing environment for their development.


1. Communication is Key:
Open and effective communication is the cornerstone of a strong parent-child relationship. Encourage your children to express their thoughts, feelings, and concerns.
2. Lead by Example:
Children learn more from what they see than what they hear. Be a role model by demonstrating the behaviours and values you wish to instill in them. Whether it’s empathy, respect, responsibility or a strong work ethic, your actions will have a lasting impact on their own behaviour and attitudes.
3. Encourage Independence:
As your children grow, it’s important to gradually foster their independence. Allow them to make age-appropriate decisions, solve problems on their own and take on responsibilities around the house.
4. Practice Positive Discipline:
Focus on positive reinforcement and logical consequences instead. Praise their good behaviour and use discipline as a teaching opportunity rather than a means of control.
5. Quality Time Matters:
In the demands of modern life, spending quality time with your children is valuable. Create meaningful connections through shared activities, outings, or simple conversations.
6. Be Patient and Flexible:
Cultivate patience and flexibility to adapt to the changing needs and stages of your children’s lives. Understand that mistakes will happen and it’s okay to learn and grow together.
Parenting is a transformative journey marked by the experience of nurturing and guiding a new life. It’s a role that demands patience, understanding and unconditional love.


Above all, being a good parent means showing unconditional love and acceptance, allowing your child to grow into their unique selves. It’s about being their role model, demonstrating the values and behaviours you want them to adopt. By providing a safe, supportive and loving environment, you empower them to flourish.

“Behind every young child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first.”


Middle School- -Embracing Project-Based Learning : A Pathway to Engaging Education

At Choithram School, we believe in providing our students with a holistic and engaging education that goes beyond the confines of textbooks and traditional lectures. To achieve this, we embrace the Project-Based Learning approach inspired by the pragmatic educational philosophy of John Dewey. This method proves to be a valuable tool, igniting students’ curiosity and deepening their understanding of societal phenomena.

The teacher assumes the role of a guide, directing students towards a specific project or problem-solving endeavour. Students are organized into groups and assigned unique topics or issues to investigate. They embark on a collaborative journey, exploring and delving into various resources to gather information. Throughout the process, they engage in discussions, share insights and exchange ideas thereby fostering social skills and teamwork. Students become active participants in their learning making connections between academic content and real-life situations. This approach not only enhances their knowledge but also nurtures their social skills, teamwork abilities and a sense of ownership over their education.By conducting research and engaging in hands-on activities, they gain a deeper understanding of the intricate relationships between societies and the world around them.

One of the standout advantages of Project-Based Learning is the freedom it offers our students to choose their projects and delve into subjects they are passionate about.This freedom drives intrinsic motivation, leading to more engaged and enthusiastic learners.For instance, in History, students could explore pivotal moments in Indian history through immersive research and presentations. In Science, they could conduct hands-on experiments to understand complex scientific principles. In Literature, they could delve into creative writing and analysis, igniting their love for storytelling. The possibilities are endless, and each project becomes a meaningful learning experience tailored to individual interests, whether it’s understanding the impact of environmental issues in Geography or conducting surveys in Science or anything else.

Project-Based Learning nurtures a love for learning that extends beyond the classroom. This thirst for knowledge sets them on a path of lifelong learning, empowering them to be adaptable and inquisitive individuals. While Project-Based Learning comes with its challenges, such as the need for resources, time and planning, the rewards far outweigh them. At Choithram , we provide our students with the necessary support and tools to implement project based learning effectively. As we continue to evolve our teaching practices, Project-Based Learning remains an essential pathway to an enriched and transformative education.

Primary-A Strong Foundation

Grades 1 and 2 focus on building a strong foundation through activity-based teaching methods using audio-visual tools to enhance teaching and learning process. Self-designed and interactive textbooks focus on language skills, EVS, and Mathematics. The holistic approach in school develops students across five domains: physical, socio-emotional, cognitive, aesthetic, and cultural by implementing creative methods such as storytelling, arts, games and sports to make learning joyful and impactful, thereby fostering critical thinking and imagination. Regular club and house activities, guest lectures, parent involvement programmes, field trips, theme-wise assembly presentations and collaborative projects add to the inclusive development.

The school values the collaborative efforts of parents and educators, ensuring a strong partnership through the sharing of teaching materials via online platforms. Regular mentor reviews and continuous evaluations create an enjoyable learning process and provide positive reinforcement for students to excel in upcoming events.

Grades 3–5, known as the Preparatory stage, shift to understanding and discovery, empowering students to actively construct their knowledge. Activity-based learning becomes central to applying theoretical concepts in real-life situations and honing critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Assigning real leadership roles and responsibilities, particularly through the student council, fosters confidence, social skills and effective communication preparing students for future success. The school fosters independent learning and leadership and equips students to excel academically and personally, ensuring a successful and fulfilling educational journey.

Montessori – A Magical World of Children!!

A specific child-centered Montessori method of education is followed which involves age-appropriate activities based on self-directed, hands-on learning and collaborative play thereby emphasising on developing real-world skills. The methodology embraces multiple styles and pathways involving freedom of expression, community and social life, nature and a joyful learning in a beautiful ambience along with the Montessori equipment encouraging the curious minds. An ‘Orientation Programme’ for the parents was organized to brief them about the teaching-learning methodology and to reassure the parents that the child is in a safe and secured environment. As school is described as a second home, the educators welcome and greet the child in four different ways, which gives him a feeling of warmth and comfort. The flash cards are displayed outside the classroom and the child has to choose the way he/ she wants to be greeted by the teacher- a ‘handshake, a warm hug, dance together or a high five’. This welcoming gesture helps the child to set a bond, get involved in the environment and express the feelings without hesitation. The different activities include dance, music, colouring, games, selfie corners, story zone, songs and to these a token of love is added by the teachers to ensure that the child returns home with a happy heart.

‘When children come home at the end of the day,
The question they’re asked ‘What did you do at school today?’
‘Nothing, I did nothing today!’

Perhaps nothing means that I played with blocks, counted to ten or sorted some rocks
Or maybe I learned to be kind to a friend while I was playing outside today.’

Embracing Joy: The Art of Being a Happy School

Choithram School, Indore is a shining example of a happy school that embraces joy and prioritizes the well-being of its students, teachers and community. With a legacy of excellence in education, Choithram School understands the importance of creating an environment where happiness and personal growth flourish.

Nurturing Relationships:

At Choithram School, strong relationships form the backbone of the institution. Teachers, staff and students are encouraged to build connections based on respect, trust and open communication. The school emphasizes collaboration and teamwork, fostering a sense of belonging and creating a tight-knit community. The warm and inclusive atmosphere ensures that every individual feels valued and supported.

Meaningful Learning:

We believe in the joy of learning. The school goes beyond traditional methods of education by incorporating experiential learning, hands-on activities and projects that encourage creativity and critical thinking. By igniting students’ curiosity and passion for knowledge, Choithram School instills a lifelong love for learning.

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL):

Recognizing the importance of emotional intelligence and well-being, social and emotional learning are our priorities. Through dedicated programmes, students develop essential life skills such as self-awareness, empathy, resilience, and effective communication. By addressing the social and emotional needs of students, Choithram School creates a nurturing environment that supports mental health, reduces stress, and promotes overall happiness.

Celebrating Diversity:

We are proud of our diverse community. The school celebrates the unique backgrounds, cultures, abilities and perspectives of its students and staff. By fostering an inclusive environment that promotes acceptance and understanding, Choithram School creates a vibrant and enriching atmosphere where everyone feels valued and appreciated for who they are.

Positive Discipline and Conflict Resolution:

Choithram School understands that discipline is about growth and learning rather than punishment. The school implements restorative justice practices that focus on understanding the root causes of behaviour, promoting personal growth, and fostering healthy relationships. By teaching positive behaviour and effective conflict resolution strategies, Choithram School equips students with valuable skills that contribute to their overall happiness and well-being.

Engaged and Supported Teachers:

Choithram School recognizes that teachers are instrumental in creating a happy school. The school provides numerous opportunities for professional development, mentoring programme, and a supportive work environment. By investing in the growth and well-being of teachers, Choithram School ensures that they are equipped to create positive learning experiences for their students.

Parent and Community Engagement:

Choithram School understands the importance of collaboration between the school, parents and the wider community. The school fosters open lines of communication, conducts regular parent-teacher meetings and encourages parents to actively participate in their child’s education. The involvement of the community through events, volunteering and collaborations enriches the school environment, creating a sense of collective responsibility and pride.

Choithram School, Indore exemplifies a happy school. By nurturing relationships, embracing diversity, promoting meaningful learning, focusing on social and emotional development, implementing positive discipline, supporting teachers and engaging parents and the community, Choithram School creates an environment where joy and personal growth go hand in hand. It stands as a testament to the transformative power of education, shaping the lives of generations to come.
We welcome you to be a part of being Happy.

Teaching-Learning Process

Our aim is to provide inclusive, accessible and equitable learning experience to the students so that they develop excellence in professional and personal fields.


Aligned with the NEP (National Education Policy),the team of educators from each institution shared their insights, methodologies and innovative strategies to draft the Choithram Education Policy (CEP) thereby ensuring an integrated and cohesive approach to teaching learning process.

At the Pre Primary Stage

The Montessori curriculum revolves around the Montessori philosophy, which emphasizes children’s learning and understanding through hands-on activities. It includes identification and implementation of best practices thereby ensuring an integrated and cohesive approach to teaching-learning including cognitive abilities, language skills, sensory development, personality growth and aesthetic appreciation. The curriculum gradually intensifies, aiming to enhance the learning experience as children progress from Nursery to Junior Montessori and then to Senior Montessori fostering the holistic development of children. Thereafter, grades 1 and 2 focus on foundational literacy and numeracy by employing a structured, sequential and dynamic approach with a comprehensive and stimulating learning environment.

At the Preparatory Stage

The Primary school follows a teaching-learning process that prioritizes enjoyable and engaging learning experiences. We emphasize understanding and discovery over information importation, enabling students to construct their own knowledge. Activity-based learning helps students to apply theoretical knowledge to real-life situations and develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Our evaluation procedure focus on continuous improvement by identifying students’ strengths and areas for growth. This approach promotes independent learning and reduces the pressure of competition. By fostering analytical thinking, problem-solving approach and essential social skills, we aim to create a nurturing environment that encourages students to become better learners.

At the Middle Stage

The Middle school focuses on learning of concepts grounded in global contexts, thus discouraging cramming the content and emphasizing on open ended questions to develop inquiry-based, discovery-based, technology based, discussion-based and analysis based experiential learning thereby identifying ‘ What, Why and How.’ for eg- Problem based learning, Interdisciplinary projects etc. Our self designed dynamic content/text books provide opportunities for students to apply their knowledge and skills to real-world contexts. The continuous assessment identify the grey areas and work accordingly to bridge the learning gaps.The activities foster social-emotional skill to make classroom environment interesting and exciting thereby promoting empathy, respect and collaboration among students.

At the Secondary Stage

The Secondary school trains students in building capacities and developing competencies along with identifying the specific set of skills. The focus is on the research based learning that involve open-ended problems or projects where students can develop their own hypotheses, conduct experiments, analyze data to draw conclusions. To develop independent thinking, the curriculum is connected to their lives and the world in and around them. The conceptual learning with an inquiry based approach develops logical reasoning skills,critical thinking skill and problem solving skills which are highly valued in future careers. Students are encouraged to explore ,share and evaluate different perspectives to foster a culture of open-mindedness, empathy and positive learning environment where students can grow as responsible individuals.