In this era of globalization it is imperative to provide our students global exposure. Transcending the barriers of discrimination and developing reverence for the human family will benefit them in becoming messengers of peace and nurture global citizenship amongst them. Celebrating various international days, national independence days of different countries as well as some festivals of countries round the globe, will enable our children to address issues encompassing them, their school, neighbourhood, nation and world with understanding and tolerance. They will emulate the spirit of oneness and realize the importance of ‘vasudhaiva kutumbukam’, that is, the world is a family.

Brazilian Independence Day

September 07, 2024

The Class VI B students delivered a presentation on “Brazilian Independence Day,” highlighting the significance of this national holiday, celebrated annually on September 7th with fervour and patriotism. On this day, Brazilians partake in dancing, singing, distributing sweets, and attending a grand parade in Brasília, the capital.
The historical context of Brazilian Independence Day was also covered. When the French army invaded Portugal, the Portuguese royal family entrusted Dom Pedro, the founder and first ruler of the Empire of Brazil, with the governance of Brazil. Known as “the Liberator” or King Dom Pedro IV, he briefly reigned over Portugal before focusing on Brazil. Under his leadership and with the support of local forces led by Padro, Brazil fought for its independence. The struggle lasted four years, culminating in Brazil’s independence on September 7, 1822.
The presentation was creatively organized as a student exchange program by Choithram School, effectively engaging the audience and providing an informative overview of the holiday and its historical background.

World Literacy Day

September 02, 2024

The students of VI ‘D’ celebrated World Literacy Day during the morning assembly. Observed annually on September 8th as designated by UNESCO, this day aims to highlight the significance of literacy and raise awareness about the rights related to social and human development. To illustrate the importance of literacy, the students performed a traditional Indian theatre style known as “Bundelkhandi Swang.” This form of Swang, which combines song, dance, and acting, presents stories that connect with both special and everyday life. Dressed in costumes reflecting the Swang tradition, the students made a commendable effort to promote awareness about female and adult literacy. The presentation was well-received, inspiring attendees to understand and advocate for literacy, thereby encouraging them to spread the message in their own communities

Recognition and Homage to the Humanitarian Personnel on World Humanitarian Day

August 19, 2024

Class VII F celebrated World Humanitarian Day to highlight their steadfast commitment to aiding those in need. The goal of their presentation was to advocate for the well-being, dignity, and survival of disaster-affected individuals, as well as to ensure the safety and security of the aid workers who assist them. The students discussed the United Nations-designated day that honor’s humanitarian personnel who have lost their lives in service to humanitarian causes. It’s a time to celebrate humanity and emphasize the importance of supporting people in crisis. The presentation began with a skit that showcased a vibrant city full of joy and daily life, which then transitioned dramatically to depict the destruction wrought by a hurricane, illustrating the disruption of lives, destruction of infrastructure, and ensuing chaos. To add a creative touch and conclude the presentation, the students performed a dance symbolizing resilience and hope.

Hiroshima Day Observance to Pay Tribute

August 6, 2024

Class VII E students performed a special presentation to observe Hiroshima Day, educating the audience about the events of August 6, 1945, and the lead-up to the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. The presentation aimed to promote peace and nuclear disarmament, highlighting the importance of preventing future nuclear weapon use. It also honored the victims and survivors, the hibakusha, ensuring their experiences are remembered. The dance drama involved 25 students in costumes using props like fighter planes, lab scenes, bombs, and placards to depict the disaster. Through this performance, students paid tribute to the Hiroshima bombing victims and pledged to spread peace globally.

Celebration of Swiss National Day – ‘A Vibrant Display of Cultural Exchange’

August 01, 2024

Swiss National Day was celebrated in the Primary Wing as a part of its International Dimension Activity, which seeks to foster cross-cultural understanding and exchange. The celebration was vibrant and full of enthusiasm, featuring an engaging traditional Swiss dance performance by the students of Class V during the assembly. Dressed in traditional Swiss attire, the performers captivated the audience with their lively and coordinated dance moves.

The stage was decorated with Swiss flags and banners, setting a festive mood for the event. Through this International Dimension Activity, our school continues to honour diversity and celebrate the rich tapestry of cultures from around the globe.

World Nature Conservation Day: A Call to Action

July 30, 2024

Class 7 C students organized a special assembly to celebrate World Nature Conservation Day. Their presentation illustrated the current state of environmental pollution through personified characters such as Mother Nature, trees, rivers, and animals. The first scene showcased nature’s purity and cleanliness in a conversation with Mother Nature. In contrast, the second scene depicted the damage caused by human activity to nature and its elements. The goal of the presentation was to emphasize the importance of nature conservation, including the principles of reducing, reusing, and recycling, and to raise awareness about the causes of environmental pollution and deforestation. It also provided practical advice on how to protect natural elements like mountains, rivers, and trees. The vivid portrayal of these personified characters made us reflect on how our greed is harming the environment.

World Hepatitis Day: Enactment for Awareness

July 29,2024

On World Hepatitis Day, Class 7A presented a skit to educate their peers about the spread of hepatitis in developing countries and preventive measures to combat it. The performance began with a street play ensemble briefing the audience on the types of hepatitis: A and E, which spread through contaminated food and water, and B, C, and D, which spread through infected needles and blood transfusions. Students used placards to emphasize the importance of hygiene and sanitation. A personified liver appearing on stage created a memorable impact, reinforcing the significance of liver health and disease prevention.

Nelson Mandela International Day

July 18, 2024

Students of Class X D conducted a special assembly on the topic “Nelson Mandela International Day” on July 18th, 2024. It began with the narration of the childhood days of Nelson Mandela, as a son of the chieftainwho grew up in poverty. He ran off to Johannesburg as his uncle wanted to marry him off to one of thevillage girls. The story of his first encounter with apartheid system began at Fort Hare University wherehe was asked to get up from his place, in the class. Later, at the dormitory his fellow mates Joe Slovo&Ruth First, who were imprisoned, felt shameful to be imprisoned in their own lands. Then, Nelson joined the ANC and led many peaceful protests, but when all was compromised, he had to turn to arms.Unfortunately, he was caught and tried after an ANC warehouse full of arms was caught by the British.On the 12 th of June 1964, he was imprisoned in perhaps the most dreaded prison in the world, theRobben Islands. The cell in which Nelson was placed, had no bed, no plumbing. One Christmas Eve, Lt.Col. Gawie Marx came by his cell to free him. The presentation concluded with his addressal to thenation with a hope that Never, never, and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will againexperience the oppression of one by another. The sun shall never set on so glorious a human achievement.

“Crafting a Greener Future: Say No to Plastic Bags!” International Plastic Bag Free Day

July 3, 2024

‘International Plastic Bag Free Day’ was celebrated by the students of Senior Montessori of Choithram School Manikbagh on July 3, 2024. The event was held in partnership with Birla High School, Kolkata, focused on raising awareness and promoting environmental responsibility towards our planet. As part of the event, children crafted attractive and practical bags using newspapers adorned with diverse prints. This hands-on activity not only showcased their artistic abilities but also highlighted sustainable alternatives to disposable plastic bags. Additionally, they engaged in a sorting exercise to differentiate between eco-friendly, reusable items and plastic products. Through these efforts, the students demonstrated their capacity to make a positive impact on the environment through simple yet impactful actions.

International Drug Abuse Day – Awareness and Sensitization towards saying ‘NO’ to Drugs

June 26, 2024

Health and Wellness Club took the initiative to create awareness about the significance of International Drug Abuse Day observed every year on 26th June. During the morning assembly, awareness was created regarding the vulnerability of the youth becoming trapped by the peer pressure and subsequently to the adult addiction. This definitely would lead to health issues, broken families and can be fatal as well. Education being the strongest weapon in the fight, one at student level can help in battling the addiction by offering support and compassion. Also one can encourage the family members to seek assistance from counselors, rehabilitationcenters etc.The club members used placard to create the impact and make everyone understand to say ‘NO’ to drugs.

Celebration of Panagbenga Festival of Philippines

February 12, 2024

Grade 6 A students presented a skit on the Panagbenga Festival of the Philippines during the morning assembly on February 12, 2024. The festival, held in February, was created as a tribute to the city’s flowers and as a way to recover from the devastation of the 1990 Luzon earthquake. The students used props such as signs, hand fans, and flowers to showcase different aspects of the festival. The presentation began with an introduction by narrators, followed by an informative skit featuring a reporter and people celebrating the festival. The students also included float parades and dances to capture the festive atmosphere of the event. The students drew parallels between the Panagbenga Festival and BasantPanchami, a spring festival where the earth blooms with beautiful flowers, ushering in happiness. Both festivals symbolize the beauty of nature and the joy that comes with the changing of seasons.

World Cancer Day Observed in a Special Assembly

February 5, 2024

The special assembly presentation hosted by the students of grade 7 D on February 5, 2024, was a profound and enlightening event designed to raise awareness about cancer and the vital role of early detection. The students effectively delivered a powerful message through the touching story of Emma, a brave young girl who successfully conquered cancer. Emma shared her challenging journey, highlighting the obstacles she faced while battling the disease. Nevertheless, she emphasized the unwavering support she received from her family, friends, and medical team, with a special mention to Dr. Smith. This support empowered her to unearth a newfound strength within herself that she never knew existed.

In addition, Alex stressed the importance of standing by one another during tough times, as this mutual support ultimately strengthens individuals. He urged everyone to commit to a healthier future by disseminating key information on cancer prevention and encouraging others to take preventive actions. Furthermore, he underscored the significance of providing assistance to those impacted by cancer, emphasizing that solidarity and compassion can significantly impact someone’s path to recovery.

Overall, the assembly presentation served as a poignant reminder of the critical role of early detection, support, and collaborative efforts in the fight against cancer. It inspired students to proactively promote health and well-being within their community while nurturing empathy and understanding for those grappling with the disease.

Exploring the NozawaOnsen Fire Festival

January 16, 2024

Students of grade 8 F brought live ‘The NozawaOnsen Fire Festival of Japan’ on January 16, 2024. Donning happi coats and kimonos, they narrated the story of this Japanese village ritual, complete with mock torch battles, lantern parades, and a symbolic burning of the shrine. The presentation made the audience not only immerse into a diversified ethnicity but also helped them to respect and embrace differences. The students learned about its historical roots, symbolic meaning, and the spirit of community that binds it all together. The flickering flames of the NozawaOnsen Fire festival illuminated not just the stage but also the hearts and minds of the young learners.

International Day of Peace: Fostering Global Solidarity for a Peaceful Tomorrow

September 21, 2023

In a special commemoration of International Day of Peace, the students of grade 10 E staged a unique presentation that resonated with the significance of peace in our lives. Through captivating scenarios, they vividly brought to life the teachings and legacies of iconic figures such as Mala Yousafzai , Mahatma Gandhi, and King Ashoka, unequivocally endorsing a resounding “NO” to violence. The theme for this year, “Actions for Peace: Our Ambition for the Global Goals” prompted students to reflect on the imperative of celebrating the International Day of Peace. They acknowledged peace and security as fundamental needs sought by those trapped in violent conflicts. As the torchbearers of the future, they recognized their pivotal role in advocating for a more peaceful world.

Impactful Assembly Commemorating International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer

September 16, 2023

Grade 9 A organized a special assembly to commemorate the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer, emphasizing the critical importance of safeguarding this vital component of Earth’s atmosphere. The assembly yielded several significant outcomes, including heightened Environmental awareness among students, expanded scientific knowledge about ozone layer protection, promotion of sustainable practices, and the empowerment of students to take action. Through a powerful and lyrical street play, the students effectively conveyed the message to the school community, creating a lasting impact and fostering a global perspective on the imperative task of preserving our planet’s ozone layer.

Vietnam’s Independence Day: Resilience and Freedom

September 2, 2023

Grade 12 G presented an insightful overview of Vietnam’s Independence Day, emphasizing its dual significance as both a celebration of freedom and a tribute to the enduring spirit of the Vietnamese people in their pursuit of independence on September 2, 2023. The presentation delved into the historical context, highlighting the pivotal First Indochina War (1946-1954) against French colonial rule and the central role of Ho Chi Minh in the struggle. The Geneva Accords of 1954 temporarily divided Vietnam into communist North and anti-communist South regions. The presentation concluded with a lively parade and the national anthem, highlighting the enduring values of independence and national identity worth commemorating.

A Tribute on World Humanitarian Day

August 19, 2023

World Humanitarian Day, observed on August 19, is a global tribute to honor the dedicated humanitarian workers and remember those who lost their lives while serving humanitarian causes. In a heartfelt assembly presentation, students from grade 12 E depicted the pressing issue of people becoming passive bystanders in the face of negative events. Through a powerful skit, they showcased two contrasting scenarios: the Delhi case, where people remained spectators when a girl was stabbed by a boy, and the Pune case, where vigilant individuals prevented harm to a girl. The dramatic performance emphasized the importance of demonstrating humanity in daily life. The presentation concluded with a poignant poem, leaving a lasting message about the responsibility the youth share in promoting compassion and action in the world.

World Hepatitis Day Observed

July 28, 2023

The students of grade XI F, through their engaging portrayal, reinforced the importance of awareness, prevention, and the relentless pursuit of a healthier world for all to shed light on World Hepatitis Day. Through a captivating skit, the class delved into the remarkable journey of Dr. Baruch Blumberg and his pivotal role in the discovery of the Hepatitis Vaccine. Transporting the audience to the 1960s, the skit highlighted the relentless dedication of scientists and how their groundbreaking work led to the development of a vaccine that became a global safeguard against this formidable disease. Dr. Baruch Blumberg’s ingenuity and tireless efforts were vividly portrayed, showcasing his indelible impact on public health. As a tribute to his enduring legacy, World Hepatitis Day is now observed on his birthday, a day that serves as a poignant reminder of the progress made and the ongoing battle against Hepatitis. This insightful presentation not only celebrated the scientific achievement but also underscored the significance of collective efforts in overcoming health challenges.

Celebration of National Day of Ethiopia

July 6, 2023

A special assembly was conducted by the students of grade XI A on July 6, 2023, to celebrate the National Day of Ethiopia (which actually falls on May 28, 2023). The students presented skits and displayed placards showcasing Ethiopia’s history, culture, celebrations, cuisine, composition, economy, and facts. The students informed the audience about the historical significance of the day, commemorating the end of the oppressive Derg military regime in 1991. They highlighted how Ethiopia is the only country in Africa that has never been colonized, boasting a rich history and diverse culture dating back to the first millennium B.C. Through powerful narration and enactments, the students shared that Ethiopia is renowned for its rich heritage, diverse wildlife, and spectacular landscapes ranging from deserts to tropical forests. They brought forth lesser-known facts about the country, such as the celebration of Ethiopian New Year on September 11, known as Enkutatash. The presentation skillfully guided the audience through internationalism, offering insight into a different culture.

International Day Against Misuse of Drugs and Illicit Trafficking

July 4, 2023

The International Day Against Misuse of Drugs and Illicit Trafficking was observed on July 4, 2023 (though every year, this day is commemorated on June 26). Students of grade VIII B presented their insights through a play, aiming to raise awareness among people. The objective was to distance children from such substances and remain cautious and vigilant against harmful influences in their surroundings. Substance abuse is a termite for society, eroding lives prematurely. Consumption of addictive substances not only affects physical health but also inflicts mental stress. It also troubles families along with individuals. The menace of substance abuse is a global challenge, not confined to India alone. The youth of today, falling prey to this issue, endanger their future. The message was profoundly conveyed through impactful presentation.

Special Assembly Commemorating International Plastic Bag Free Day

July 3, 2023

On the occasion of International Plastic Bag Free Day on July 3, 2023, a special assembly was orchestrated by the students of grade VIII C. The students skillfully prepared and enacted a street play that highlighted the grievous repercussions of plastic consumption. The personified plastic menace ominously showcased its escalating dominance and scorned human recklessness in tarnishing Mother Earth. Their performance resounded with a clarion call to rescue the planet, humanity, and all living beings by eradicating plastic from our midst. The students fervently emphasized the imperative to transition from plastic bags to biodegradable alternatives such as paper, jute, and cloth bags. Through their captivating presentation, the students cast a spotlight on the pressing need to combat plastic pollution and champion sustainable choices.

Salute to Women’s Fortitude on International Women’s Day

March 8, 2023

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, women power was revered during a special assembly on March 8, 2023 where the students of class VIII E presented a powerful street play showcasing a story of a woman as a mother encouraging her daughter to pursue her career in spite of oddities. She was asked to break the shackles of stereotype society to choose her dream career. The women in different facets of life and their stories of indomitable courage were portrayed through the act.

Thaipusam Festival of Malaysia: The Day of Prayers and Penance

February 22, 2023

Thaipusam, the Malaysian festival was brought live in a special assembly conducted on February 22, 2023 by the students of class VII B. The festival has a history related to Hindu belief that Goddess Parvati, the goddess of fertility and love gave her son ‘Murugan’ a spear in order to defeat a fiendish demon. The day is celebrated by the Tamil community in Sri Lanka, India, Singapore, Mauritius and Malaysia. It is a national holiday in Malaysia. Students shared the legend and presented a special folk dance dedicated to Thaipusum. The Indian philosophy of consuming vegetarian food and observing fast is followed by the people of Malaysia. The celebration made the students understand about oneness in beliefs and customs.

International Mother Tongue Day Celebration

February 21, 2023

On the occasion of International Mother Tongue Day observed on February 21 every year, students of class VII A apprised everyone about the mother tongue of different regions of India and the world focusing on their origin, popularity and importance. Students decked up in traditional dresses charmed everyone as they spoke in their mother tongue. The presentation ended with the song ‘Mile Sur Mera Tamara’ evoking the message of unity in diversity.

Celebration of Independence Day of Sri Lanka

February 4, 2023

Independence Day of Sri Lanka was celebrated on February 4, 2023 to memorialize its political independence from British rule in 1948. Students of class VII D welcomed the gathering with Ayubowan (Hello in Sinhala) and made the students dive deep into the culture of Sri Lanka. Speech by Sirimavo Bandaranaike, the first woman Prime Minister in the world, insight about the flag of Sri Lanka, also known as the Lion Flag, cuisine, culture, religious icons like the Buddhist flag, exports such as tea, cinnamon and gems of Sri Lanka were the highlights of the presentation. Parade to mark the day was another attraction. The celebration ended with a silent prayer for those martyrs who made it possible for the Sri Lankan citizens to live in a free nation.

Celebration of Independence Day of Myanmar

January 4, 2023

Independence Day of Myanmar was celebrated on January 4, 2023 in the morning assembly where students of class IX B presented information about Myanmar’s culture and ways of celebration. Myanmar’s cuisine, national sport – football, fishing nets used by the citizens as leisure time and traditional attire such as Longye and Skirts virtually transported the students and teachers to Myanmar.Myanmar’s traditional dance performance by the students was appreciated by everyone. The placards and props enhanced the visual impact and made the gathering know more about Myanmar.The presentation ended with the National Anthem of the country teaching everyone to respect other’s culture.

New Year Celebration in Australia

January 2, 2023

A special class assembly was conducted on January 2, 2023 to welcome the New Year and apprise the students about New Year Celebration in Australia. Students of class IX A dressed up in Australian attire provided information about the various ways of celebration of the New Year in Australia viz. participation in outdoor activities like camping, surfing, water sports, etc. They shared about impressive fireworks in Sydney and Melbourne along with bonfires to make the day memorable.Rock band performance, special treats and get together are some other prominent features of the celebration. Placards with the visuals made the celebration captivating.

Celebration of National Day of UAE

December 2, 2022

National Day of United Arab Emirates was celebrated as an International Day in the school on December 2, 2022 where the students of class VIII C brought live the enthralling celebrations on the stage for the students to immerse into. Students presented the elective monarchy formed from a federation of seven emirates along with the rich culture, tradition, important monuments like BurjKhalifa and cuisine served with great hospitality. Students decked up as Sheikhs and Khalifas presented the traditional dance before the gathering. The grand parade was the attraction of the day. Students shared information about decoration of palm trees with lights from the colours of the flag, firework shows, air shows and heritage villages to mark the day.

A Musical Skit on the Occasion of Child’s Rights Day

November 22, 2022

To spread the awareness about ‘Child’s Rights’ mentioned in our Constitution, a special assembly was conducted on November 22, 2022 (for November 20, 2022) wherein students of class VIII A presented a musical skit. Some basic rights included the right to education, the right to get basic needs food, clothing and shelter, no child labour, right to be taken care etc. A successful businessman running many NGOs and doing lot of charity was interviewed. He shared his childhood experience that was deprived of some basic rights of a child and narrated a flashback story that was depicted through dances. He conveyed a message that being a responsible citizen of a developing country, it is the first and foremost duty to take care of young ones, the future of the nation. No child should suffer and be disadvantaged of his rights. The choreography, the dancing moves and the expressions were nicely portrayed. At the end some more rights were narrated and showed by using plaque cards.

World Immunisation Day Observed

November 17, 2022

World Immunization Day was observed in the morning assembly of November 17, 2022 with students of class IX F presenting a short skit to highlight the casual attitude of the people towards immunization. They showcased that many people do not understand the importance of vaccination and hold many myths owing to lack of awareness. The presentation showed a victim (not aware of vaccination) who filed the case in skepticism. The defense lawyer and the prosecutor presented the case with facts. The doctor who had given the vaccination was summoned. He stated the scientific facts, details of the functionality of vaccination, few symptoms observed post vaccination which are supposed to be the good sign of developing antibody etc. The court scene ended in favour of the vaccination. The importance and the benefits of were displayed through placards and banners aiming to eradicate myths about vaccination. The unique way of propagating the message was appreciated by all.

Constitution Day of Nepal

November 16, 2022

Constitution Day of Nepal was witnessed during the special morning assembly on November 16, 2022 wherein students of class IX E presented a skit showcasing the scenes of formation of Nepal’s Constitution, changes happening at that time, government establishment from monarchy to democracy, its working and the ways of achieving their goals for a prosperous country. The presentation concluded with a grand parade and the national anthem of Nepal. Colourful costumes and powerful, expressive dialogues made the presentation interesting and effective. The presentation gave a dive into Nepal’s government and added an enriching experience to know about our neighbouring country.

UN International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction

October 13, 2022

UN International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction is an awareness programme to spread awareness about how to save mankind from different disasters. Students of class IX B in the form of a news report during the morning assembly students presented details about flood, drought and earthquakes from India, South Africa and Japan stating the facts, ways to combat and preparedness for such disasters. A rally with meaningful slogans was taken out for spreading the message profoundly.

International Peace Day Observed In The School

September 21, 2022

The International Day of Peace (Peace Day) was observed on September 21, 2022 at Choithram School. To mark the Peace Day, an array of activities were conducted by Scout and Guide of classes VI to VII viz. group song in the assembly, a rally, message giving posters and a guest lecture by Mrs. Shweta Mishra, (Advance Guide Captain). Mrs. Shweta Mishra laid emphasis on the fact that peace begins with smile, it is necessary for the growth and development of the nation and we should try our best to make this world a peaceful place to live.

World Literacy Day Observed

September 8, 2022

Street Play, a powerful medium of creating awareness regarding social issues was used explicitly by the students of class VII E to observe World Literacy Day on September 8, 2022. They used apt slogans to stress on the need of literacy and how ignorance of it creates problem in one’s life. The benefits reaped of being literate and the ways to make people realize the importance were conveyed impressively by the students.

World Senior Citizen Day: A Tribute to Our Elderly

August 21, 2022

A special assembly was conducted on August 17, 2022 (for August 21, 2022) on the occasion of World Senior Citizen Day. Students of class VIII D emphasized the pivotal role played by our elderly in building the personality of the youth. The street play which was powerfully scripted, well co-ordinated showcased the sufferings faced by the elderly owing to old age and the irresponsible behavior of the family members. The presentation ended with a positive note to the youth to become sensible, responsible and accountable.

Observance of World Hepatitis Day

July 28, 2022

Observing the occurrence of 12th World Hepatitis Day on July 28, 2022, the presentation by class X E was able to sensitize students and teachers to encourage a real change to jointly facilitate prevention, diagnosis and treatment of Hepatitis B worldwide. ‘Hepatitis Can’t Wait – I Can’t Wait’ is the campaign theme for WHD 2022 which the students highlighted through their presentation. The students also highlighted the social injustice and inequity caused by the current lack of action on hepatitis elimination and focused on the positive action needed to get on track to meet 2030 elimination goals. Following facts were shared for safe and good health:

• Keep your liver healthy and disease-free.
• Avoid unnecessary sharing of toothbrushes, razors, needles and other personal care items – these can also transmit hepatitis B or C.
• Consult your doctor for a screening programme to detect problems early if you are a Hepatitis B or C carrier or your parents are carrier and/or you are not sure
• Get vaccinated for hepatitis A and B.
• If you’re keen to get a tattoo or a piercing, take extra care to find an establishment that is clean and adheres to meticulous sterilization practices.

Celebration of Gion Matsuri Festival of Japan

July 18, 2022

Gion Matsuri Festival of Japan was showcased in an expressive way to celebrate glorious heritage, culture and traditions of Japan by the students of class X F in the special assembly on July 18, 2022. The students presented portrayed Japanese salutation, traditional music and dance. As per the tradition, a local boy is chosen as a sacred messenger to the gods. From July 13 until the first parade ends on July 17, he sits on one of the many elaborate floats and his feet never touch the ground. These events are called Yoi-yoi-yoi-yama, Yoi-yoi-yama and Yoi-yama, respectively. Many young ladies and some young men wear light cotton yukata robes, which make these events very picturesque. The original purpose of the Gion Matsuri was to pray for deliverance from a plague of sickness in 869 wherein the emperor ordered prayers to take place. The impressive props, well scripted presentation made the students take a ride to Japan and witness the event.

Celebration of National Day of France

July 14, 2022

National Day of France was celebrated on July 14, 2022 in a special assembly where students of class XII B brought live the patriotic fervour of the French nationals before the students. Storming at Bastille fort, ideologies of power of common people, French culture and cuisine were exhibited followed by a parade depicting celebration of people’s victory, liberty, fraternity and equality. ‘Viva La 14 Juillet’, ‘la Fete nationale’ echoed in the assembly. The presentation conveyed how the French Revolution inspired Frenchmen to rose in revolt against the absolutist, autocratic state and install democracy as the new form of government. Well executed script, appropriate dress up, informative placards and French National Anthem stole the show.

International Day Against Drug Abuse And Illicit Trafficking

June 27, 2022

Special Assembly was conducted on the occasion of International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking where students of class X profoundly conveyed the message of ‘Say no to drugs and yes to life’. Through a powerful script, students focused the reasons for the youth falling prey to ‘Drug Demon’ and suggested good parenting, support, well balanced life and BIG NO to drugs as the solution.

Observance of International Day of Yoga

June 21, 2022

On the occasion of International Day of Yoga on June 21, 2022, special assembly was conducted separately for Senior School and Junior School students where students practiced Yogasana and Pranayam. ‘Suryanamaskar’ was displayed by yoga instructors and students practiced the same with great interest. Ms Surbhi Shashtri in her talk on ‘Yoga as our Friend/Companion’ apprised everyone on how yoga can be helpful to make our mind and body healthier. Week long activities were conducted which included ‘Clay Molding’ where students made favourite yoga poses using their artistic skills. Paper bags profoundly conveying the importance of yoga were were made by the students. Poster making event was also conducted to mark the day. Students poured out their imagination and messages through meaningful posters.

Observance of International Day of Yoga

June 21, 2020

Choithram School organized online yoga session for student, teacher and parent community on the occasion of International Yoga Day on June 21, 2020. The physical education faculty taught students, teachers and parents various asanas like Surya Namaskar, Tad Asana, Vrik Asana, Ardhchakara Asana, Varj Asana, Shashank Asana, Gomukh Asana, Pavanmukt Asana, Nauk Asana and Bhujang Asana through Google Meet. This unique experience of performing yoga sitting remotely conveyed the message of remaining healthy and fit using the ancient techniques of yoga and meditation.

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Global Online Discussion Organised on the Occasion of World Environment Day

June 5, 2020

Good Earth, the business enterprise of Choithram School organised Global Online Discussion on the occasion of World Environment Day on Friday, June 05, 2020 wherein 26 students from 15 countries (USA, England, Argentina, Germany, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Egypt, Lebanon, Indonesia, Oman, UAE, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Nepal and India) expressed their views on the topic, ‘COVID-19: An Environmental Crisis or Opportunity’.

The event took place in two rounds, with the objective to provide an international platform to collaborate and adopt a pragmatic approach towards the extant pandemic. The panelists elucidated the crisis, critically expounded the economic hardships currently being faced, and possible difficulties for transition to a green economy. But a major part of the discussion was suffused with compassion and concern to bring sustainability and environmental planning after the lockdown gets over. The event also witnessed the idea that this was the time to embrace ‘positive thinking’ rather than ‘tragic suffering’, to find our lost souls stuck in the maze of corruption and greed, the time to reflect, introspect and respect our environment.

The deliberation concluded with positive feedback from various spectator teachers who regarded the youth speakers as the harbingers of a united future where the environment doesn’t need protection and appreciated the problem-solving skills embedded in each individual.

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Animals’ Woes Addressed on World Wildlife Day

March 13, 2020

World Wildlife Day was celebrated on March 13, 2020 to create awareness about how our life is dependent on nature and all its living creatures including wildlife. If we are destroying our wildlife by killing them or by snatching their habitat by cutting trees than one day we will be the ultimate sufferers. This message was profoundly conveyed by the students of class VIII B through a street play. The presentation ended with a dance where prayers were chanted to take care of our mother Earth and its fauna.

World Wild Life Day 1 World Wild Life Day 2

Celebration of National Day of Australia

January 27, 2020

Students of class VI A celebrated National Day of Australia on January 27, 2020 (for January 26, 2020) by presenting a short skit. They commenced the skit with “I am Australian” song and shared the history of Australia, how this day marked the anniversary of the arrival of the first fleet of British ships in 1788 at Port Jackson, New South Wales and raising of the flag of Great Britain at Sydney. The striking coincidence that India and Australia share the same date of National Day was really exciting for everyone to know. Australian climate, culture, cuisine, festivals and celebrations were shared through the presentation. A gala parade was showcased followed by distribution of tiny Australian flags to the audience as a mark of remembrance of the Day. The presentation concluded with the rendition of the national anthem of Australia.

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Celebration of National Day of UAE

December 2, 2019

National Day of UAE was celebrated in the morning assembly on December 2, 2019 by the students of class VI F through TV Show. The correspondents brought the live coverage of the different segments of National Day celebration held in UAE interviewing citizens who told about UAE’s Union Day between the six emirates which was followed by the joining of the seventh emirate, Ras Al Khaimah, in 1972. The audience was apprised about the decoration of houses and malls with the national flag followed by spectacular fire show at the famous buildings and shopping centers. The girls presented a captivating dance wearing beautiful attires. It marks the.

UAE (2) UAE (3) UAE (5)

World Animal Day

October 4, 2019

The speaking eyes of animals full of pain and helplessness urging humans to live and let live, pleading to stop poaching, hoping to stop deforestation and loss of habitat were profoundly portrayed through the class presentation by the students of class X F on the occasion of World Animal Day. A mute court was arranged where allegations by the animals were put on humans for making their life a hell and lawyers advocating the cause evoked pity for the plight of animals and compelled them to introspect their wrong doings in pursuit of their unmindful technological advancements harming the environment, flora and fauna.

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Independence Day of Nepal

September 25, 2019

The Independence Day of our neighbouring country Nepal was celebrated on September 25, 2019 by the students of class VII C in the morning assembly. The skit enacted by the students depicted the unification of Nepal by King Prithvi Narayan Shah in the year 1768, visit to two famous places of Nepal – Pashupati Nath and Nagarkot and folk dance performance. The skit culminated with the parade parade by the citizens followed by the singing of the national anthem of Nepal.

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Celebration of National Day of Chile

September 18, 2019

National Day of Chile was celebrated on September 18, 2019 by the students of class VII F in the morning assembly. The event witnessed the enthusiastic participation of the entire class of 34 students. The presentation began with the questions like the driest place on the earth, the oldest mummy, the meaning of Chile followed by the information about history of independence, national flag, geographical location and many more. Students brought live the outdoor carnival ‘Ramadas’ with Fondas (food counters) thereby displaying the national food items and beverages of Chile. ‘La Cueca’ the national dance of Chile and the national music of Chile added flavour to the already rich presentation. The grand parade by the citizens followed by the National Anthem of Chile marked the end of the celebration.

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Celebration of IndraJatra Festival of Nepal

August 20, 2019

‘The world is a global village and we the global citizens’ was evident when students of class VI F celebrated IndraJatra festival of Nepal during the morning assembly on August 20, 2019. Our neighbouring country’s festivals have similarities with our country’s festivals where deities are worshipped and processions are carried out. The audience was informed how the festival started by King Gunakamadeva to commemorate the founding of the Kathmandu city in the 10th century has become an annual happening from the 18th century onwards. Students performed dance with mask of deities and demons and remembered the departed souls as a custom.

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MwakaKogwa Festival of Tanzania

July 15, 2019

Students of class VIII A celebrated the New Year festival MwakaKogwa of Tanzania onJuly 15, 2019. The presentation featured singing, dancing, feasting and drumming displaying beauty and history associated with the festival. Students also showcased certain rituals performed on the day to usher in with good luck in the New Year. A physical combat of thrashing each other with banana sticks to purge the people of all the evil things was well demonstrated by the students. The celebration ended with the traditional dance performance by the elegantly dressed women folk.

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Celebration of National Day of Canada

July 13, 2019

To commemorate the National Day of Canada on July 1, 2019, students of class VII B staged a presentation on July 13, 2019. A ‘Kingdom in its Own Right’ and commonly known as the Dominion of Canada was showcased through the cartoon characters of Doremon and Nobita along with their entire group of friends. The involvement of cartoon characters evoked interest in the audience. Students also briefed about the cuisine and the culture of Canada. The spectacular dance performance in red and white attire coupled with the background Canadian music displayed the culture of Canada. The grand parade by the zealous citizens matching the rhythmic drum beat and holding the colourful balloons and streamers added another dimension to the presentation. The presentation ended with the national anthem of Canada.

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Celebration of Fiesta De La Tirana – Festival of Chile

July 12, 2019

Students of class VII F presented Fiesta De La Tirana – Festival of Chile on July 12, 2019 in the honour of Virgen Del Carmen. The festival aimed to develop cross cultural understanding and made students gain insight into the rich culture of Chile. The devil dance to scare the evil spirits with colourful costumes and striking masks added relevance to the festival. In a nut shell, the information pertaining to the festival was well shared by the students. Students learnt a few Spanish words and displayed intercultural competence in their presentation. The festival portrayed some resemblances to the RathYatra in India.

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Celebration of Las Fallas Festival of Spain

March 7, 2019

The students of Class VI F celebrated Las Fallas Festival of Spain in the morning assembly on March 07, 2019. Las Fallas is a celebration of the coming of spring and a chance to wish a jubilant bon voyage to winter. The students staged a skit portraying how locals bid farewell to cold nights by building giant ninots (puppets or dolls) out of cardboard, wood, paper machè and plaster and then burn them to the ground. The presentation showcased spectacular dancing and singing by the locals on the streets of Spain donning colourful traditional costumes.

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Celebration of Sham-El -Nessim Festival of Egypt

February 26, 2019

The Egyptian festival of Sham – El – Nessim, marking the arrival of spring in Egypt was celebrated in the morning assembly on February 26, 2019 by the students of class VII F. The students informed the gathering about how people spend all day out picnicking in any space of green, public gardens, on the Nile, or at the zoo and enjoy traditional food namely fesikh, lettuce, scallions or green onions, tirmis and coloured boiled eggs. They also presented an ancient Egyptian dance and ended their presentation with a beautiful thought that we should not just celebrate festivals but celebrate life and enjoy every moment, so that our journey becomes a festival of joy.

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Independence Day of Egypt Celebrated With Gaiety

February 22, 2019

Lively celebration of Independence Day of Egypt (February 22) was witnessed by the students in the special assembly conducted by the students of class VII D. Through the characters of Jumanji in the Egyptian version, students travelled to the largest pyramid of Giza. They shared the information about the Luxor temple and temple of Debod and how the Britishers took over the command of Suez Canal, strengthened their hold over the economy of Egypt and later in 1922 how Egypt gained nominal independence from the British Empire as a monarchy. The students showed the placards with the delicacies served in Egypt and performed a well synchronized dance on the Egyptian tune. The celebration culminated with the singing of National Anthem of Egypt by the students.

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Celebration of Independence Day of Sri Lanka

February 4, 2019

The Independence Day of Sri Lanka was celebrated in the morning assembly by the students of class VIII A on February 4, 2019 with patriotic zeal. They brought the Sri Lankan culture alive with mellifluous dance and song presentations. President Mr. Maithripala Sirisena in his speech urged the countrymen to safeguard their freedom. The celebration culminated with a parade led by native soldiers followed by national anthem of Sri Lanka.


Celebration of Hispanic Day of Spain

January 9, 2019

Spanish Independence Day or Hispanic Day of Spain (for October 12) was celebrated in the morning assembly on January 9, 2019 by class VI E students to understand and adopt the concept of global oneness and gain insight of the culture of Spain. The presentation depicted the Spanish culture, their cuisine, dance forms, historic monuments and the history of the independence as well as its present day governance. The conversation of students in Spanish language transported the audience to Spain. The presentation profoundly conveyed the message that the beauty of global oneness lies in enjoying the similarities and celebrating the differences. The celebration ended with the National Anthem of Spain. Mr. Lander Gaztelumendi SM, Principal of Santa María Del Pilar High School, Marianistas, Spain who was visiting the school witnessed the celebration of Hispanic Day of Spain.

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John Canoe Festival of Jamaica

December 26, 2018

Students of class VII B celebrated John Canoe Festival of Jamaica on December 26, 2018. The presentation began with the brief up about John Canoe, a powerful gold coast merchant and an ally of Brandenburg-Prussia. Students as masqueraders danced to the beats of the music with the colourful costumes to mark the Christmas season. The presentation ended with the melodious orchestra featuring characters of John Canoe band.

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World Tourism Day

December 11, 2018

‘Tourism is not just travelling-it is meeting people, understanding cultural differences and learning across the boundary.’ To mark World Tourism Day, students of class IX D presented a travel trivia TV show on December 11, 2018 to apprise the audience about the magnificent glory of culture, tradition and people of famous tourists’ destinations in France, Switzerland, Bangkok, Thailand and many more. The placards carrying the information of these places were well expounded by the students in their show. The presentation also focused on the contribution of the tourism industry to reach the Sustainable Development Goals.

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Child Rights Day

November 20, 2018

Universal Child Rights Day was observed in the morning assembly on November 20, 2018. Students of class X D through their powerful, well worded street play brought before everyone the plight of children, child abuse and ill treatment meted out towards the innocent kids. They voiced their feelings and urged for their right- to have a blissful spring of their life. The rhythmic rhetorical performance touched the soft core of every heart and compelled everyone to think: Are we discriminating? Are we humans? Are we giving children their basic rights?

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World Diabetes Day

November 15, 2018

To create awareness against the silent killer disease, ‘diabetes’ a special class presentation was given by students of class X B on the occasion of World Diabetes Day. Students presented the plights of the diabetes’ victims through a skit apprising everyone about the increasing cases of diabetes worldwide and different types of diabetes. The students were advised to acquire a healthy life style comprising of intake of proper diet, exercise and stress free life. The presentation ended with a message that ‘prevention is better than cure’.

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World Animal Day

October 24, 2018

‘We too are living beings’!

Students of class XI A staged a talk show in the morning assembly on the occasion of World Animal Day which highlighted the plights of animals, the threat of extinction and the need to protect them. Students shared the information about PETA, Animal Rights Movement, and International Animal Rescue,animal welfare non-profit organization based in the United Kingdom. Placards bearing slogans and messages were displayed for creating awareness and appealing everyone to become responsible and concerned for animals. The presentation ended on a note, ‘If we care…. they shall be saved’.

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The UN International Day for Disaster Reduction

October 22, 2018

To encourage efforts to build more disaster-resilient communities and nations, students of class IX F marked the UN International Day for Natural Disaster Reductionon October 22, 2018 with the informative presentation on the causes and effects natural disasters along with the disaster prevention, mitigation and preparedness. Students discussed about the best practice ‘Sendai Seven Campaign’ which is aimed to reduce disaster risks and disaster losses. The presentation equipped the gathering with the information pertaining to the natural calamities.

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World Peace Day

September 22, 2018

‘Peace is not something you wish for, it’s something you make, something you do, something you are, and something you give away.’

International Day of Peace, also known as the World Peace was observed on September 22, 2018. Students of Scouts and Guides club sang the hymn ‘Raghupati Raghav Raja Rama…’, a devotional song popularized by Mahatma Gandhi encouraging his countrymen to walk on the path of truth, righteousness, virtue, non-violence and peace. The students performed the ‘Messengers of Peace’ dance to spread the message of a peaceful world. The presentation culminated with a march by students carrying messages of change and action needed for embracing universal brotherhood.

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International Day of Preserving Ozone Layer

September 17, 2018

A special assembly on ‘International Day for Preservation of Ozone Layer’ was conducted by the students of class IX A on September 17, 2018 to create awareness on depletion of ozone layer. Students dressed themselves as mother earth and the ozone layer and portrayed that the ozone layer is the frontline soldier against the ultra violet rays of the mighty sun and acts as a filter for these highly hazardous rays. The presentation was a clarion call to the humans to pay heed to the alarming situation to save the planet from the serious consequences.

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Celebration of Sinhalese New Year Day of Sri Lanka

August 27, 2018

‘Nothing brings people together like festivalsdo.’ Sinhalese New Year Day of Sri Lanka was celebrated in the morning assembly on August 27,2018. Through a resplendent carnival the students showcased the history of the festival replete with dance and music. A group of 15 girls of St. Anthony Girls’ College, Kandy, Sri Lanka along with their Principal Mrs. Chandana Ranasinghe and two teachers Mrs. Thushari De Silva and Miss Harshini Jayatunga during their visit to the school witnessed the New Year Festival of Sri Lanka.

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World Senior Citizen Day

August 24, 2018

To mark World Senior Citizens Day on August 24, 2018, senior citizens from ‘Kankeshwari Devi Old Age Home’ were invited to retrospect and relive the cherished moments with the students in school. After a cordial welcome, the guests witnessed the class presentation based on the sufferings of the senior citizens and the solutions to make them live life with dignity. The teacher talk by Ms. Neelima Shah made students understand that old people are the knowledge bank of our culture and tradition with inestimable experience and they should be treated with love, respect and care. The presentation concluded with the classical dance performance by the students. A group of 15 girls of St. Anthony’s Girls’ College, Kandy, Sri Lanka along with their Principal Mrs. Chandana Ranasinghe and two teachers Mrs. Thushari De Silva and Miss Harshini Jayatunga who were visiting our school also witnessed the presentation.

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Celebration of Independence Day of Brazil

August 23, 2018

Students of class VI C celebrated the Independence Day of Brazil on August 23, 2018. A skit in context to Brazil’s journey towards freedom, indigenous culture, cuisine and sports was presented to mark the day. The grand procession was marked with the waving of the colourful ribbons and display of the juggling acts. The elegant traditional dance presented by the students attired in green and yellow was in sync with the colours of the national flag. The celebration ended with the rendition of the national anthem of Brazil.

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Independence Day of South Korea

August 16, 2018

Independence Day of South Korea is celebrated on August 15 to commemorate the sacrifices of their freedom fighters.Students of class VIII D presented a skit to mark the day on August 16, 2018.The scenes unfolded in sequence when the students briefed about the location of Korea along with its history followed by its liberation from Imperial Japan and the division into North and South Korea. The ‘BACHAECHUM’ dance presented by students in native attire was characterized by quick, energetic movements and created the visual feast for the audience. Through the placards students displayed the Korean delicacies such as kimchi, bibimbap etc.The parade by the enthusiastic students marching in perfect harmony carrying fans and a huge bell showcased the relentless and determined spirit of its citizens. The entire presentation was the combination of precision and perfection and ended with the national anthem ‘Aeguena’.

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World Organ Donation Day

August 13, 2018

‘To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world’. This beautiful message was conveyed profoundly on the occasion of ‘Organ Donation Day’. Students of class IX D presented a street play with effective punch lines, emotional script, powerful dialogue delivery and articulation. The presentation arose a sense of responsibility amongst the viewers for donating human organs. They even succeeded in removing the myths related to organ donation. The students proved that they can be the messengers for humanity.


International Youth Day

August 12, 2018

To mark the International Youth Day on August 12, students of class IX C staged a skit to focus on efforts of young people in conflict prevention, social justice and peace across the globe. The presentation showcased on channelizing the positivity in youth to make them utilize their potential to optimal level. In the end the students took a pledge to become responsible citizens to be dutiful towards the nation.

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Guest Lecture on World Hepatitis Day

July 27, 2018

To mark the World Hepatitis Day on July 28, the Health and Wellness Club of the school invitedDr. Shohini Sikdar, Consultant Gastroenterologist,Choithram Hospital & Research Centre, Indore to enlighten the students on the symptoms, precautions and prevention of Hepatitis on July 27, 2018. Stating negligence to be the reason behind the rise in the liver cancer cases, the resource person informed about the various schemes launched by the government to check the disease.Stressing on the need for the vaccination and health status update, she advised students to be extra cautious with the needles used for tattooing and body piercing as ‘Prevention is always better than cure.’ The enriching learning session ended with the discussions on the various questions raised by the students.

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Celebration of Independence Day of Jamaica

August 6, 2018

Independence Day of Jamaica was celebrated on August 6, 2018 during the morning assembly to acquaint the students about importance of international celebrations and make them get a feel of internationalism and global exposure. Students of class VII C brought live the vig our and vitality of the celebration depicting history behind the independence followed by orchestra and dance performance. The parade marking the grand celebration in the country was a visual treat. The celebration concluded with the national anthem of Jamaica.

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YeonDeung Hoe Festival of South Korea

July 23, 2018

‘Festivities are the river of joy for any civilization, be it India or the high- tech land of South Korea.’Keeping in mind the world as a global village, a special morning assembly was conducted on July23, 2018 bringing in live the most important festival of South Korea ‘YeonDeung Hoe Festival’.Students of class VIII E in the Shakespearean style began the presentation showcasing the similarity between Buddha Purnima celebrated in India and ‘YeonDeung Hoe Festival’, which is a three day festival marking the birthday of Lord Buddha, in South Korea. It is also famous as Lotus Lantern Festival.Lord Buddha’s childhood story and how he transformed to Lord Buddha was narrated to the gathering.The main part was characterized by dance & huge celebration. Students used many props like face masks, handmade lanterns, bombs and balloons to intensify the effect. The festive gusto was at its zenith with background music and dance moves.

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Parintins Folklore Festival of Brazil

June 29, 2018

To add an international dimension to learning,Parintins Folklore festival of Brazil was celebrated with zeal and zest on June29, 2018 by the students of class VI A in the morning assembly.The festival was brought live on the stage witha skit showcasing the legend associated with the festival. The elaborate and exquisite depiction of the story of a Brazilian lady and an ox strengthened the belief in prayer.The spectacular pageantry of the festival involving dance and music played on the instrument ‘Zemba’ left a deep impact on the audience.The presentation enriched the students with the information about the Brazilian culture, music and dance forms.

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International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

June 26, 2018

International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking was observed in the school on June 26, 2018 during the morning assembly with a special presentation through an impactful skit showcasing the drug devil who victimizes youth by trapping them in its web. The devil finds the youngsters with low self-esteem, depression and loneliness and attacks them in pubs and other meeting joints. Later the condition of the drug addicts was shown. Finally the solutions were shared how to strengthen action and cooperation to achieve the goal of an international society free of drug abuse. The message of saying no to drugs through placards with effective slogans was conveyed profoundly.

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Observance of Summer Solstice Day

June 22, 2018

A special morning assembly was held on June21, 2018 pertaining to Summer Solstice or June Solstice, the longest day of the year. The students explained the mechanism of its occurrence and how the Sun appears to stop moving in the sky as it reaches its northern- or southernmost point and after the solstice, the Sun appears to reverse course and head back in the opposite direction.The solar system was at its display and all the celestial bodies shared what they are and what is their importance. The scientific phenomenon was explained in simple yet effective way through the presentation.

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Observance of International Day of Yoga at Choithram School

June 21, 2018

To mark the International Day of Yoga on June 21, 2018, students of classes VI to VIII of Choithram School, Manik Bagh performed ‘Yoga’- the art work of awareness on the canvas of body, mind and soul. A thought based on this unifying force was read to acquire perfect blend of sound body and sound mind. The Yoga instructors demonstrated various aasanas and the students followed their yoga gurus. The benefits of various aasanas like pranayam, ardh chakra aasan, taad aasan and meditation were shared with the gathering. A perfect harmonious yoga session was witnessed during the morning assembly in the school.

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Celebration of International Mother Language Day

February 21, 2018

International Mother Language Day was observed on February21, 2018 in the school to promote the dissemination of mother tongues and fuller awareness of linguistic and cultural traditions. Various activities were conducted to inspire solidarity based on understanding, tolerance and dialogue.The foremost activity conducted during the morning assembly was a presentation by teachers who shared the importance of their mother tongue viz. Punjabi, Bangla, Gujarati, Urdu, Sindhi and Marathi and conveyed the feeling of oneness inspite of diversity.A group song in regional languages sung by the students of classes VI to IX conveyed a feeling of pride for their mother tongue. Poem recitation in mother tongue was conducted for class VI while class VII students participated in essay writing event on the topic ‘Importance of our mother tongue’. Class VIII students conveyed the message of how well knit our diversified culture and linguistic difference is through their powerful enactment.The day taught everyonethat our mother tongue is the magical means to radiate our emotions.

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Independence Day of Australia

January 26, 2018

Class IX A celebrated the Independence Day of Australia in the morning assembly on January 24 (for January 26). Students shared the importance of celebrating the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the First Fleet of British ships at Port Jackson, New South Wales and the raising of the Flag of Great Britain at Sydney Cove by Governor Arthur Phillip. The day is known to be the biggest day of celebration. Australian cuisine, culture flag and geographical boundaries were displayed through colourful placards. The presentation concluded with an attractive parade and rendition of National Anthem of Australia.

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Celebration of Thai Pongal Festival of Sri Lanka

January 6, 2018

Thai Pongal festival of Sri Lanka was celebrated on January 6, 2018 to acquaint students with the customs and traditions of Sri Lanka. The festival has resemblance with the festival of Pongal celebrated in southern part of India. In Sri Lanka it is a four day festive affair where on the first day people prepare sweet rice to mark the beginning of the festival. Sun God is worshipped on the second day while on the third and fourth day cows are worshipped and harvesting of the crops begins as the symbol of auspicious beginning. Bharat Natyam dance was showcased to add charm to the festivity.

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International Biodiversity Day

December 28, 2017

International Biodiversity Day was celebrated on December 28, 2017 with a message to protect the ultimate gift of nature; the ‘biodiversity’ through an impressive street play. Students with their choicest words and perfect rhyming script made everyone ponder upon their actions towards harming the biodiversity and to face the consequences if heed is not paid to the clarion call. It was a real eye opener to man’s selfish deeds and insensitivity towards nature.


Celebration of Independence Day of Lebanon

November 22, 2017

Students of Choithram School celebrated the Independence Day of Lebanon on November 22, 2017 in the morning assembly. Class VII students depicted the sequence of events leading to the independence of the country. The Lebanese dance performed by class IX girls was characterized by quick, energetic movements and dramatic poses. The President in his speech exhorted the citizens to safeguard the freedom of the country by working with patience, perseverance and passion. The parade by the enthusiastic citizens marching in perfect harmony with the energetic tune showcased their relentless and determined spirit. The celebration concluded with the rendition of national anthem of Lebanon by students of class VIII.

International Students’ Day

November 17, 2017

International Students’ Day was observed on November 17, 2017 by the students of class VIII A in the morning assembly to commemorate the anniversary of this day when the Nazi German stormed into Czech universities and sent students to concentration camps in the year 1939. However, the day has taken a different course these days as this is now celebrated to invite young people and students to take action, express their concern and make their voices heard. The students demonstrated the celebration of the International students’ Day in different countries like Saudi Arabia, Australia, India and USA.

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World Diabetes Day

November 13, 2017

Class IX E presented a kavisammelan on the occasion of World Diabetes Day on November 13, 2017 in the assembly. They shared the information regarding this disease through poetryelucidating the symptoms, causes, prevention and cure.

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Jidai Matsuri Festival of Japan

October 22, 2017

The traditional Japanese festival Jidai Matsuri was celebrated on October 22, 2017 in the morning assembly. Students of class X B dressed in colourful costumes representing various characters in Japanese feudal history participated in the historical reenactment parade. It was a delight to see their costumes and know about the culture and history associated with the celebration. Such presentations strengthen the bond of universal citizenship and pacify our inquisitiveness about knowing people around the globe.

Celebration of Independence Day of Romania

September 25, 2017

The Independence Day of Romania was celebrated with fervour and zest by class 6 students of Choithram School on September 25, 2017. The country’s struggle for independence against the Ottoman Empire and gaining independence on May 10, 1877 was highlighted. Other insights were provided such as the location, language spoken, cuisine and traditional costumes. The students performed ‘Hora din Moldova’, traditional dance of Romania and presented a piece of Romanian instrumental music. The celebration culminated with a gala parade followed by singing of the Romanian national anthem by the students.

International World Peace Day

September 21,2017

To bring harmony and happiness on earth, International World Peace Day was celebrated on September 21, 2017 during the morning assembly. The programme started with the popular bhajan of Mahatma Gandhi ‘VaishnavJan To’. Mr. Kunal Mishra, HWB Scouter of Scouts and Guides spoke about the importance of peace in life highlighting that to achieve world peace we must first achieve peace of mind and soul by lending a helping hand and always smiling. Students did meditation for inner peace and change. The programme ended with a song by the members of Scouts and Guides Club.


Celebration of Independence Day of Mexico

September 16, 2017

Students of class V celebrated the Independence Day of Mexico September 16, 2017 with a lot of festive fervour. Colourful cultural programmes marked the day. Daksh Sood of class V delivered the President’s speech. Students of class V elaborated about the festivals of Mexico and also shared some information about the country’s national symbols. The choir presented a melodious Mexican song to rejuvenate everyone. As a befitting finale to this programme, children presented a Mexican dance.

World Nature Conservation Day

July 28, 2017

‘Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed’. Keeping this in mind, World Nature Conservation Day was observed on July 28, 2017 wherein the students of class IX F spread the message to conserve environment through a powerful street play. The presentation highlighted the exploitation done by humans and was a clarion call to introspect and rectify our deeds and make this world a better place to live in.

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Osaka Kanto Matsuri Festival of Japan

July 24, 2017

Kimonos, dragon masks, lanterns, the iconic symbols of Japan were on display on July 24, 2017 when students of class IX B brought live the festivity of Osaka Kanto Matsuri of Japan through their effective presentation in the morning assembly. Students presented a skit showcasing a student visiting Japan under the AFS exchange programme and meeting the host family and witnessing the grand celebrations. The students enumerated that this is a two day festival where people enjoy parade wearing colourful costumes and band performance. The festival involves procession of participants vigorously chanting, dancing and bearing massive, intricately-decorated omikoshi (portable shrines) or floats.

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World Population Day

July 11, 2017

‘A finite world can support only a finite population; therefore, population growth must eventually equal zero.’ The students of class XI E presented a street play on the occasion of World Population Day describing the problems and the solutions for the increasing population. The play depicted problems associated with ever-growing population, the need to focus attention on the urgency and importance of population issues, the role of United Nations, resolutions to be made and awareness to be created over population issues. The performance touched every heart and ended on a positive note that we must find ways to combat the situation.

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Independence Day of the Bahamas

July 10, 2017

The Independence Day of the Bahamas was celebrated on July 10, 2017 by the students of class XI D. The students presented the theme with Doremon taking a group of friends to the Bahamas to witness the grand celebration. They were dressed in the traditional attire and gathered information about Bahamas, which is an island country in the Atlantic Ocean east of Florida and Cuba comprising some 700 islands and islets. They informed the gathering that Bahamas became a fully independent nation in 1973, separating from the United Kingdom. The importance of the national flag, cuisine, currency and other details of the country were shared through placards and narration. The celebration culminated with the parade followed by the rendition of the national anthem.

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Ramadan Fest of South Africa

June 23, 2017

Students of class presented a skit on Ramadan Fest of South Africa in the morning assembly on June 23,2017. They highlighted the importance of fasting, Namaz, Quran recitation and Eid celebration. Students dressed up in ridas and traditional outfits offered Namaz elucidating the essence of keeping fast to practice self-discipline. Importance of praying and doing charity during the pious month of fasting was stressed. The celebration ended with relishing the delicacies specially Kheer Khurmai which is served on the day of Eid.

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Celebration of International Yoga Day

June 21, 2017

Choithram School Manik Bagh witnessed the celebration of International Yoga Day on June 21, 2017 where the entire school (Senior and Junior School students) participated in the yoga session to raise worldwide awareness of the many benefits of yoga. Various Aasanas like Bhadrasana, Gomukhasana, Ardhchakrasana and Tadasana were performed by the students to bring about holistic approach to health and well-being among the students. The combination of breath control, meditation, and flexible bodily postures enabled them to understand the need as well as importance of yoga which in turn will help them to lead a disciplined life.

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World Peace and Understanding Day

February 23, 2017

World Peace and Understanding Day was observed on February23, 2017 during the morning assembly. Students of class VIII C presented a skit where they stressed on the need of peace and understanding. Students role played Gandhiji, Mother Teresa and Lt. Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam and spread the message of oneness and integration. Charkha and three precious teachings of Gandhiji ‘hear no evil, say no evil and see no evil’ further strengthened the theme. Students understood the sacrifices of the immortal souls and pledged for working in the direction of world peace and understanding.

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Independence Day of Vatican City

February 12, 2017

Independence Day of Vatican City was celebrated in the morning assembly by students of class VI F. The students presented a skit showcasing famous food, festivals, currency, places and Independence Day parade. They danced and frolicked on the stage in a festive mood of Valentine, one of the major celebrations of the country as the day falls near Valentine Day. The students informed the gathering that the city headed by the Pope is famous for its garden and is a walled enclave. A student decked up as the President of the city addressed the gathering on this occasion.

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Carnival of Venice

February 9, 2017

Carnival of Venice was brought live on the stage when students of class VI E presented the festival during their class presentation in the morning assembly. Through charts and banners history of the masked Carnival of Italy was shared with everyone. A vibrant parade was the hallmark of the celebration. Everybody tapped their feet on the dazzling dance performancewith hula hoops and colourful masks set on the tunes of a melodious song. The celebration spread the message of fun, joy and happiness as the essence of life.

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World Laughter Day

January 9, 2017

Students of class IX B staged an effective presentation on the occasion of World Laughter Day on January9, 2017.Though the World Laughter Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of May of every year but the first celebration took place on January 10, 1998 in Mumbai, India, and was arranged by Dr. Madan Kataria, founder of the worldwide Laughter Yoga movement. The students further added that in New Zealand people dance to relieve stress while in St. Albans the day is marked by donating blood and cracking jokes and laughter yoga is performed in the USA. They tried to make everyone realize that staying happy and optimistic is the key to healthy life.

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New Year Celebration Around the World

December 31, 2016

Students of class X F during their morning assembly presentation on December 31, 2016 welcomed the New Year with open arms. The assembly area was decorated with inspiring thoughts and ‘Happy New Year’ banners in different languages of the world as the theme for their presentation was ‘New Year Celebration around the World’. Live performances of the various ways New Year is celebrated in Japan, Dubai, England and USAreverberated the atmosphere. Later students took resolutions and promised to keep them.

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Natchitoches Christmas Festival of Lovisiana

December 23, 2016

Students of class VI E celebrated Natchitoches Christmas Festival of Lovisiana during the morning assembly to make everyone aware about the celebration of Christmas around the globe. They sang special carols and filled the air with happiness and festivity. Santa Claus distributing the gifts, captivating decoration of Christmas tree, jingles and dance were the other attractions of the celebration. Students shared how this festival showcases parade with marching bands, dance teams, winners of local beauty,pageants and spectacular evening fireworks with music and laser show.


Celebration of ‘Dia de losMuertos’ of Mexico

November 18, 2016

‘Dia de losMuertos’ i.e. ‘Day of the Dead’, a festival of Mexico was celebrated on November18, 2016 in the morning assembly by the students of class XI A.The students informed everyone that people celebrating this festival believe that the gates of heaven are opened at midnight on October 31 and the spirits of all deceased children (angelitos) are allowed to reunite with their families for 24 hours. On November 2, the spirits of the adults come down to enjoy the festivities that are prepared for them.The students concludedwith a quote that ‘Our dead are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them.’

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Celebration of All Saints Day (la Toussaint)

November 7, 2016

With the spirit of gratefulness in mind, the students of class XII F showcased the unique festival of ‘All Saints Day’, a popular festival of Christiansin the morning assembly. With an intriguing start, the students informed the audience how this day is observed. People offer flowers and light candles on the graves of the dead and express gratitude to their saint forefathers. They concluded on the note that one should stay humble and try to be like the saints they adore.

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World White Cane Day Observed in the School

October 20, 2016

World White Cane Day was observed on October 20, 2016 wherein the students of class XII D conveyed a clear message in the morning assembly about the importance of the white cane for the visually handicapped. The audience could empathise with the visually challenged people and understood how these people use the bent as well as straight cane. The students also enacted on a song to deliver the message.

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World Food Day Celebrated In School

October 16, 2016

World Food Day is celebrated every year around the world on October 16 in honour of the date of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1945. The day was celebrated in the morning assembly to make students aware about the importance of saving food and World Food Day theme of 2016 ie. ‘Climate Change: Climate is changing food and agriculture must too’. The students of class XII B presented a panel discussion and discussed about the aim of achieving zero hunger by 2026 and the startups by Indians to improve food production such as Anulekhagrotech,MITRA,Crop in technology solutions, Barrix agro, skynet, Ekgaon,Digital green and Frontal rain technologies.


Independence Day Celebration of Uzbekistan

September1, 2016

The 25th Independence Day of Uzbekistan was celebrated at Choithram School, ManikBagh with great zeal and zest by the students of class IX C. In the morning assembly presentation students threw light on the culture, tradition and food of the people of Uzbekistan. Monuments were displayed through placards while the lifestyle was brought live through dress up and enactment. The students informed about the relationship of Uzbekistan and India. Traditional dance of Uzbekistan was performed by the students in traditional outfit which added grace and beauty to the presentation. National Anthem was played at the end of the presentation.

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International Youth Day

August 12, 2016

The students of class X C celebrated International Youth Day on August 12, 2016 by informing the theme of the 2016 International Youth Day i.e. ‘The Road to 2030: Eradicating Poverty and Achieving Sustainable Consumption and Production’. They participated in a group discussion and concluded the celebration by organising a parade to promote youth empowerment. The students recited beautiful poems in English and Hindi to make the students realise that they are powerful agents of positive change, essential to taking forward the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

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Independence Day of Singapore

August 8, 2016

‘Those who win independence believe liberty to be the secret of happiness and courage to be the secret of liberty.’ Students of Class VII E celebrated Independence Day of Singapore during the morning assembly on August 8, 2016. Students dressed up as tourists and guide informed everyone about the breathtaking firework extravaganza, Singaporean eateries sizzling with mouthwatering dishes, the mosaic of cultures and colourful festivals of Singapore. The parade show and dance performance were the soul of the presentation. The celebration ended with the National Anthem of Singapore.

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Anti – Nuclear Day

August 5, 2016

‘If we don’t end war, war will end us.’ Students of Class VII D in their presentation on Anti-Nuclear Day on August 5, 2016 sensitized the students about the ill effects of war. The message was that nuclear weapons offer us nothing but terror and the human race cannot coexist with nuclear weapons. The need of the hour is to spread the message of peace and to work for it. So long as nuclear weapons continue to exist, so will the temptation to threaten others with overwhelming military force. The message was profoundly conveyed through an impactful skit.

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Pirin Sings Folklore Festival of Bulgaria

August 3, 2016

The students of class VIIB celebrated the festival Pirin Sings Folklore Festival of Bulgaria through a skit wherein they highlighted the significance of the festival. They told the gathering about the unique features of this music festival which is held In Bulgaria, every year on August 2 – 3. The Predela locality, between Rila and Pirin, is the venue for the ‘Pirin Sings’ folk festival. Unique songs sung by men, concerts of folk singers and folk dance ensemble performances make up the rich agenda of the event held each year. In this Folk rituals and crafts as well as Bulgarian embroidery were featured. The skit ended with the majestic dance performance which added colour to the presentation.

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Independence Day of Niger

August 1, 2016

Students of class VIII F celebrated the Independence Day of Niger in the campus of Choithram School with great zeal and zest. The presentation began with a group of students winning the tickets to visit Niger and attending the grand celebration of Independence Day. The guide took the students to the famous Balleyara Market and National Park which were shown through the colourful placards. Students brought traditional dishes of Niger on the stage and made everybody savour its delicious aroma. Special tradition of Nigerians to plant trees on Independence Day was brought live on the stage. National Anthem was played at the end of the presentation.

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World Nature Conservation Day

July 28, 2016

World Nature Conservation Day was observed on July 28, 2016 where students of class VIII D made everyone aware about the need to conserve the mother Earth. They presented a skit highlighting that nature provides us with various indispensable services which has made possible human existence on the planet and every raw material required for the development process is being provided by nature. Still we are ruthless and the rapid development process is putting pressure on the natural resources like air, water, forests, wildlife, fossil fuels and minerals. Excessive and unsustainable use of these resources is causing degradation of nature.

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Nelson Mandela International Day

July 18, 2016

The saga of the legend, Nelson Mandela was brought live on the stage of the school on July 18, 2016 by the students of class IX B. The presentation covered each phase of his life viz. how he got his name, his political life, his struggle for the blacks and his presidential speech. The presentation portrayed Nelson Mandela as an anti-apartheid icon. His ideals were used as a moral force to help heal scars of a torn nation. The students were infused with the confidence to face injustice with sheer grit and determination. The messages ‘giving words to the wounds may create a history ‘and ‘fighting for the right’ were profoundly conveyed.

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Pflasterspektakel Festival of Austria

July 13, 2016

‘The more you celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.’ Students of class XII E of the school celebrated Pflasterspektakel (International Street Musicians’ Days) of Austria on July 13, 2016 in the morning assembly. This informative presentation showcased the history and importance of the festival. They audience came to know that the inaugural festival took place from July 16 to 19, 1987, which comprised of 150 musicians, with most of them being from Austria and Germany. The students toddled in the notable, captivating parade with the musical instruments and bicycles adding life and vigour to the atmosphere.

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World Population Day

July 11, 2016

World Population Day was celebrated in the morning assembly in order to raise the awareness amongst everyone and find out the real solutions to combat the population issues. The students were informed about the theme of 2016 as proposed by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) which is ‘Investing in Teenage Girls’. Through an effective presentation using the projector, students of class XII C informed that excessive (population) growth may reduce output per worker, repress levels of living for the masses and engender strife. The graphical representation of the data collected on the issue followed by the explanation left the gathering to ponder upon this serious issue.

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Independence Day of Canada

July 1, 2016

‘Liberty is the breath of life to nations’. The students of class X D festooned in the Canadian attire celebrated Canada Day on July 1, 2016, formerly known as ‘Dominion Day’, with great delight and national pride. The Canadian culture, location, language, currency, food and festivals were brought live before the students through placards and role play. The Canadian flag waved on the stage and the Prime Minister delivering the speech followed by a parade stole the show. The scintillating Canadian dance compelled everyone to tap their feet. Humming of the National Anthem filled the air with patriotic fervour.

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International Anti-Drug Day

June 26, 2016

‘Drugs can give you wings to fly, but they will steal away your blue sky.’ Students of Class XI F observed International Anti Drug Day during the morning assembly on June 26, 2016. They sensitized the students about the ill effects of drugs. The message was ‘Listen First’, which stresses that students must listen to their parents and well-wishers about the evils of consuming drugs and stay away from it. The drug demon engulfs the youth thus the need of the hour is to ‘SAY NO’ to drugs. The ones who are addicted can either be cured clinically by going to rehabilitation centre or by counseling.

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Finest Asanas Put On Show By The Choithramians

June 21, 2016

International Yoga Day was celebrated in Choithram School, Manik Bagh on June 21, 2016 to aware the students about Yoga which is a profound form of evolving a human being i.e. the journey of the self, to the self, through the self.

Students performed complex Yoga postures in different asanas. It was followed by a meditation session. The yoga instructors told the gathering that Yoga is much more than a physical exercise and it enables people to access a new dimension of self. The message was profoundly conveyed as students understood that Yoga is something worth investing their time and energy in.

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International Women’s Day

March8, 2016

Dedicated to the spirit of womanhood, International Women’s day was celebrated on March8, 2016in the morning assembly. Matters that touch a woman’s everyday life- personal relationships, gender issues, career, health, well-being, and some much required self-indulgence were showcased through mime. The mime ended on a positive note to vowto let nothing stop a little girl from being who she is and becoming what she wants to be.

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World Peace and Understanding Day

February 23, 2016

World Peace and Understanding Day was celebrated on February 23, 2016 with a motto that peace cannot be kept by force, it can only be achieved by understanding. Students of class IX D through a well planned and coordinated presentation briefed the gathering about the dire need of peace in the present context. They highlighted the working of Rotary Club whose sole purpose is to bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations and help build goodwill and peace in the world. Poem on ‘peace’ recited by the students made everyone ponder upon their negligence towards their brethren and provided an insight to take steps in maintaining peace in the world.

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Celebration of Independence Day of Sri Lanka

February 4, 2016

Sri Lanka’s Independence Day was celebrated on February 4, 2016 to commemorate its internal political independence from British rule on that day in 1948. Students of class VII Agave a presentation demonstrating the flag-hoisting ceremony, dance, parade and Sri Lanka’s rich cultural heritage. President’s speech followed by offerings to the National Heroes was the part of the presentation.The military parade showcased the power of the army, navy, air force, police and the civil defense force.Students exhibited charts showing geographical location of Sri Lanka, flag, national heroes, most popular food, clothing, currency and religion of Sri Lanka. The celebration culminated with the dance performance and rendition of the national anthem.

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Celebration of Independence Day of Palestine

January 18, 2016

Students of class VIII celebrated the Independence Day of Palestine on January 18, 2016 (for November 15) depicting visit to Palestine by two students along with their teacher as a part of intercultural learning. They learnt about their culture, food habits, and currency. They also learnt about Yasser Arafat, a leader of Palestine Liberation organization who played a pivotal role in liberating Palestine from Israel. Through the colourful placards the gathering was informed about Palestinians family life and their customs. They feel proud of their family life, as they continue to live, work and socialize within the confines of the family. Students decked up in the unique attire presented a scintillating dance performance named Dabka. The celebration ended with the national anthem of Palestine.

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International Biodiversity Day

December 29, 2015

Students of class VII D showcased the plight of the endangered species and evoked pity for them on December 29, International Biodiversity Day. A meaningful presentation left us to muse upon our negligence and impact of ecological imbalance on human life.

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Celebration of Independence Day of Qatar

December 18, 2015

The students of class XI D celebrated the Independence Day of Qatar on December 18, 2015. Qatar National Day is a national commemoration of Qatar’s unification in 1878. The students showcased geographic location, national flag, currency, language, delicacies and culture of Qatar through placards. Qatar’s unique attire fascinated the audience. Students also participated in the traditional and highly evocative parade. The presentation revealed that independence day of Qatar is an extraordinary feast of heart thumping, soul stirring fire-works, camel parade and vehicle parade .The presentation concluded with National Anthem of Qatar.

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International Students’ Day

November 17, 2015

On November 17, 2015, students of class XI C marked the International Students’ Day with discussions on the strength and skills of the youth force to bring a change in terms of values, academics and other areas.


World Tourism Day

September27, 2015

While highlighting the objective of celebrating ‘World Tourism Day’ on September 27, 2015students of class X Graised awareness about the role of tourism within the international community and how it affects social, cultural, political and economic values worldwide. The students explained about the famous food and architectural monuments of some countries like India, France, USA, Switzerland and Italy.


World Literacy Day

September 8, 2015

Students of class VII E through their presentation stressed on the need of literacy through their presentation on September 8, 2015 to mark ‘World Literacy Day’. They urged the audience to spread awareness among the masses to understand the importance of getting educated and on the need of ‘each one teach one’. They made the audience understand that acquiring literacy is an empowering process, enabling millions to enjoy access to knowledge and information which broadens horizons, increases opportunities and creates alternatives for building a better life.


International Youth Day

August 12, 2015

The International Youth Day, a day designated by the United Nations, is observed on 12 August to create awareness and to draw attention to various issues surrounding the young generation.Through their presentation students of class VI C emphasized that youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, quality of the imagination, a vigour of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life and the engagement and participation of youth is essential to achieve sustainable human development. They depicted that youth can bring a positive change in the society and they are the power of every country. An inspirational poem was recited which conveyed the message that the youth should keep patience and should not give up during testing times. The presentation ended with the song, ‘Give me freedom give me fire’.


Anti-Nuclear Day / Hiroshima Day

August 6, 2015

August6, 2015 is observed as Anti-Nuclear Day or Hiroshima Day to pay homage to the victims of nuclear explosion. The presentation of class VIIC started off with some thought provoking anti-nuclear quotes like ‘Nuclear is near to fear and tear’ and ‘Nuclear Radiations knows no boundaries’ etc. The entire incident was recapitulated by creating the scene of bombing depicting the impact of the nuclear bomb which included – the audio effect of the nuclear bomb getting exploded and banners and posters. Students showcased the actual thermal burns, keloids and hair loss by means of face painting and proper get- up.
The presentation further put forth in front of the audience the thought that even today the entire world is still under the threat of nuclear-radiations. No one knows when History could repeat once again.Students holding flags depicted eight sovereign states that have successfully detonated nuclear weapons. The presentation concluded with an anti-nuclear song ‘Nuclear Madness’ and dance strongly urging the audience to have a nuclear free future.


Celebration of Independence Day of Niger

August 3, 2015

Students of class VII B celebrated the Independence Day of Niger on August 3, 2015. The celebration began with the presentation of a skit wherein some students visited Niger as a part of student exchange programme. The students went to their friend’s house where his Grandma explained them about the history of Niger. They learnt about the culture, food, currency and sports of Niger. The Nigerians are proud of their eco-friendly culture as every Nigerian plants a sapling on the Independence Day every year to fight against desertification. The celebration ended with the dance and national anthem of Niger.

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World Nature Conservation Day

July 28, 2015

‘Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need but not every man’s greed’. The students of class VIII depicted the importance of the natural resources – water, air, soil and plants. While showcasing ‘Chipko Movement’ they showed how Gauradevi, a villager saved the trees and created awareness about the importance of trees. The presentation ended with the urge to conserve the environment and made us realise that our existence is only safe if we take care of our mother Earth.

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Nelson Mandela International Day        

July 17, 2015

On July 17, 2015, Nelson Mandela International Day was celebrated in Choithram School. Students of class IX A depicted the sacrifice and struggle of Nelson Mandela who fought relentlessly for seeking social justice for South Africans for a span of 67 years. After his death in the year 2013 his birthday is celebrated as ‘International Mandela Day’ by the people of South Africa to pay tribute for his contribution. The students showcased that Mandela Day is a global call to action that celebrates the idea that each individual has the power to transform the world and the ability to make an impact.

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Independence Day of USA         

   July 4, 2015

The students of class X A celebrated the independence of USA in an innovative way. The presentation began with the recent meeting of US President Barak Obama and Indian Prime Minister NarendraModi in India. The students showcased the areas in which USA leads the world. History and struggle of independence were shown in flashback
Starting with the coming of Christopher Columbus, the establishment of the Spanish Empire was shown followed by the war between Spanish and British soldiers, which led to the  establishment of the colonial rule. Then the struggle of independence was depicted with the important events like Stamp act and Boston Tea Party. Finally under the guidance of George Washington, the rebels became successful and USA attained independence in 1776. The celebration included dance, parade, party scene and in the end national anthem of USA was played.

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Malala Day       

 July 12, 2015

The students of Class XII E showcased the life of Pakistani activist and the youngest ever Nobel Prize laureate, MalalaYousafzai. As July 12, 2015 is celebrated as Malala Day the students presented interesting facts and details of the early life of Malala. The assassination attempt by the Taliban which sparked a national and international outpour of support for MalalaYousafzai was enacted on stage by the students. An interview with MalalaYousafzai was shown which  gave an insight that inspite of the attack by the Taliban, she worked to promote human rights and education for women. Awards and achievements of Malala were highlighted followed by one of her inspiring speeches.

The enthusiastic and energetic students of Class XII E showed interesting and informative charts, pictures, maps, inspiring quotes and thoughts of MalalaYousafzai and were also dressed in the traditional costume of Pakistan to highlight the importance of Malala Day.

In the end it was shown that MalalaYousafzai was still determined to spread the message that ‘if we want to achieve our goal, then let us empower ourselves with the weapon of knowledge and let us shield ourselves with unity and togetherness.

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World Population Day                                                                                                                                                   

July 10, 2015

The students of class XII C performed a skit on July 10, 2015 depicting graphs and statistics of the world population. The students highlighted the various categories of population and emphasized on the unemployed population. They tried to highlight the channelizing process of unemployed population in various spheres of career like Teaching, Agriculture, Information and Technology, Health sector, Designing, Sports, and many more.
They reiterated that the world today has its largest generation of youth in history – 1.8 billion young people, mostly in developing countries – with enormous potential to help tackle the major challenges facing humanity. But many are denied their rightful opportunities to get quality education, find decent work, and participate in the political life of their societies. They concluded by saying that World Population Day is an opportunity to renew our commitment to help young people unleash progress across society.

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International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking                                              

  June 24, 2014

To raise awareness of the problems that illicit drugs represent to the society, students of class XI C marked the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking through a skit on June 24, 2015. The presentation began with the briefing of the aims and objectives of UN to create a society free of illegal drugs. This was followed by a skit focusing on an adolescent falling prey to the slippery slope to addiction due to peer pressure as teen years are often considered as the most difficult period. The presentation was a clarion call to the youngsters to abstain from drugs to avoid health problems and strained relations. With the help of placards the message was well conveyed to the audience to say ‘NO’ for once and for all today only as tomorrow may be too late.


 International Day Against Drug Abuse

Celebration of Sun Peru Festival (IntiRaymi)                                                                                  

   June 24, 2014

The students of class XI A through their presentation celebrated the Festival of Sun Peru. The presentation began with a brief introduction of the festival and importance of the festival for the people of Incas. The students made the audience aware about this festival which is celebrated by the Incas as the Festival of the Sun where the God of the Sun Wirracocha is honoured. The IntiRaymi symbolizes the eternal consecration of marriage between the Sun and his sons, the human beings. On the 24th of June the Incas celebrate the winter solstice or ‘Sun’s New Year’. Scientifically the solstice begins on the 21st of June, but according to the ‘PachaUnachaq’, a sundial used by the Incas, the sun stays some days in the same place before rising on the 24th of June. This day was proclaimed by the high priest as the New Year: IntiRaymi! Students demonstrated the rituals performed in this festival which included the depiction of oration given by the Sapa Inca and the high priest in the original language of the Incas, Quechua, honouring of the Inca and his people, the god of the Sun in the ‘Qorikancha’ or the Temple of the Sun where the ‘Santa Domingo’ was built

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Celebration of International Yoga Day                                                                                       

  June 21, 2015

International Yoga Day, as declared by United Nations General Assembly was celebrated in a befitting manner in the school on June 21, 2015 with a hope that it embodies unity of mind and body; thought and action; restraint and fulfillment; harmony between man and nature; and a holistic approach to health and well-being. The students performed different types of Asanas followed by Kayotsarg, MahapranDhwani, Pranayam, AnuprekshaSankalp Shakti  to sensitize them towards cleanliness and environment, AnuvratSankalp to make India free of all addictions and reciting the slogan ‘Make India healthy and a progressive nation’. The students realized that Yoga is a way of attaining a goal and a technique of controlling the body and the mind which would further help them to become emotionally strong and imbibe values of life. The programme ended with a positive note of adopting yoga as the part of one’s lifestyle.

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Summer Solstice

June 20, 2015

The students of class VI E beautifully showcased the Summer Solstice on June 20, 2015. The enthusiastic students with the props explained the occurrence and importance of this day. Through their presentation they portrayed that a solstice is an astronomical event that occurs twice each year as the Sun reaches its highest or lowest excursion relative to the celestial equator on the celestial sphere. Worldwide, interpretation of the event has varied among cultures, but most recognize the event in some way with holidays, festivals, and rituals around that time with themes of religion or fertility.

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World Blood Donor Day                                                                                                                                                                       June 14, 2015

The world observed World Blood Donar Day on June 14, 2015. Students of class VI D gave the theme based presentation in the form of a short skit that instilled the feeling of donating blood amongst the youth. They made the students aware about the importance, need and existence of this day. The presentation touched the nerves of the students by making them realize their moral and ethical responsibilities towards the society.

World Blood Donor Day

World Consumer Rights Day

March 15, 2015

World Consumer Rights Day is an awareness day, which is observed on March 15 for promoting the basic rights of all consumers, demanding that those rights are respected and protected. To combat the malpractices and protect the consumer rights, students of class VIII E marked the day on March 13, 2015 with the skit presentation. The presentation began by educating the consumers about their rights and responsibilities as limited information and low literacy cause exploitation of consumers. The skit featured three scenes which depicted that consumers must assert themselves and act to ensure that they get a fair deal. The scenes highlighted the ways by which consumers are exploited –wonder capsules for reduction of weight, the expiry date of medicines, underweight and under measurement. The celebration ended with the rallying cry given by the students to aware people about their basic rights and to voice their disappointment.

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International Women’s Day

March 8, 2015

International Women’s Day is annually held on March 8 to celebrate women’s achievements throughout history and across nations. Students of class VIII A celebrated the day on March 14, 2015 by paying tribute to the indomitable spirit of women. The celebration of womanhood began with the introduction of women of substance – Malala, the human activist, Mother Teresa, the humanitarian, Kalpana Chawla, the determined astronaut and Mary Kom, the pride of India. The well choreographed song showcased the plight of woman subjected to oppression and inequality in the past and her transition into a strong, empowered woman of today. The presentation left a deep impact and inspired the listeners to focus on the theme for 2015 ‘Empowering women, Empowering humanity.’

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Hina Matsuri Festival of Japan 

March 3, 2015  

To wish good health and future happiness for girls in Japan, families and communities hold Hina-Matsuri, or the Doll Festival, on March 3 every year. Students of class VII A celebrated this festival with colourful and happy mood on March 3, 2015. The admiring scene of colourful dolls presented in miniature, the life in the ancient imperial court. A fine artistic tiered stand covered with red cloth was made by the students.

 On this festival, each family sets up a display of hina dolls clothed in colourful kimono. On the top tier, is placed a pair of imperial couple representing the emperor and empress in beautiful kimono. Three female dolls are placed on the tier below. Five dolls representing children, each with a different musical instrument, are placed on the third tier from the top. Two ministers may be displayed on the fourth tier. The fifth tier, between the plants, holds three helpers or samurai as the protectors of the emperor and empress. On the sixth and seventh tiers, a variety of miniature furniture, tools, carriages, etc are displayed. The whole family enjoys eating delicious diamond-shaped rice cakes and sweet. Peach blossoms, which bloom in spring, decorate a set of dolls arranged in tiers and lanterns are placed on these tiers. Hina dolls spend a long time in storage, and when the girl who owned them gets married and goes away, their role is finished. The origin of Hinamatsuri is an ancient Chinese practice in which the sin of the body and misfortune are transferred to a doll, and then removed by abandoning the doll on a river. The celebration ended with the elegant traditional Japanese dance which was enjoyed by the audience.

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World Peace and Understanding Day

February 23, 2015

To promote peace and international understanding between cultures, the Rotary Club began World Understanding Month in February which was the first step for the peace.  To mark the day on February 23, 2015, Students of class VI A mentioned the   participation of Choithram School in AFS exchange programme for promoting international understanding and peace. Through AFS students get to know more about the others from different cultures, beliefs, habits etc and gain an international perspective to broaden their horizons. The skit focusing on strengthening the bond of brotherhood and humanity was well staged by the students. The entrancing musical composition followed by the meditative, joyous, dance movements was applauded by the discerning audience conveying that the more we sweat in peace, the less we bleed in war.


Chinese New Year Celebration

February 19, 2015

Students of class VI D celebrated the Chinese New Year on February 19, 2015 with traditional fun and fervour. The presentation began with the briefing up of the origin and importance of the festival by the natives of China to the visitors from India. Students narrated numerous fun and interesting facts attached to the popular festival which is celebrated for 15 days. From the first day of the lunar year to the fifth, people do not sweep or clean their houses as they believe this will sweep away their good fortune. The second day of the New Year celebration is believed to be the birthday of all dogs; as such, all pets and stray animals are well fed by people as a ritual. Red is the main colour for the festival, as it is believed to be an auspicious colour. Traditionally, red packets are passed out during the Chinese New Year’s celebrations, from married couples or the elderly to unmarried juniors. Red lanterns hang in streets; red couplets are pasted on doors depicting images of prosperity. The natives also shared the Reunion Dinner, which is believed to be the most important meal of the year. The visitor students were also served with the sumptuous dumplings, a classic Chinese food widely popular in China and symbolic of prosperity. The Chinese dance presented by students in native attire was characterized by quick, energetic movements and dramatic poses which created the visual feast for the audience.

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International Biodiversity Day

January 12, 2015        

Students of class VI B celebrated the International Biodiversity Day on January 12, 2015 making people understand that beautiful environment leads to beautiful minds. Students briefed about diverse flora and fauna as each has a role to play in the mysterious marine and forest ecosystems. Nature came in full spate when the placards depicted the habits and habitat of varied creatures conveying the message to adopt and adapt best practices to protect ecosystems for the benefit of all the islanders.


National Independence Day of Myanmar

January 4, 2015                                                                                                        

Myanmar, the largest country in South East Asia became independent after 60 years from the colonial rule of Britishers on January 4, 1948. Students of class VII D celebrated the independence day of Myanmar on January 4, 2015. The scenes unfolded in sequence when the students briefed up about the location of Myanmar, its flag, currency (kyat), culture, national animal and bird. The indigenous culture and cuisine of Myanmar reflects the influence of many countries thereby displaying unity in diversity. The Myanmar dance presented by students in native attire was characterized by quick, energetic movements and dramatic poses which created the visual feast for the audience. Through the placards students explained the water festival ‘Thingyan’ which involves pouring of water over each other to wash away the bad sentiments of the previous year.  The traditional sport of Burma ‘Chinglone’ was demonstrated by the students which is played with the focused state of mind. The President in his speech exhorted the citizens to build a new nation based on the ideals of a federal union and finally fulfill the needs of the nation and society at large. The grand parade by the enthusiastic citizens marching in perfect harmony with the energetic tune showcased the relentless and determined spirit of the citizens. The presentation ended with the national anthem of Myanmar.

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National Independence Day of Kenya

December 12, 2014

The day, December 12, marks a double occasion – as on this day Kenya gained freedom from the British colonial era in the year 1963 as well as it became a republic in 1964. The National Independence day of Kenya was by the students of X B to commemorate the sacrifices and struggles of its great people. The presentation began with the students briefing about the geographical location, currency and capital of Kenya followed by the staging of the Mau Mau movement -a militant African nationalist group that opposed British colonial rule. The day was also marked with cultural festivity displaying traditional dance form of Kenya which was applauded by the audience. The President in his speech exhorted citizens to rededicate themselves to defend the freedom and sovereignty that they secured at such a great cost. The presentation ended with the national anthem of Kenya.

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World Diabetes Day Observed In The School  

November 13, 2014

 ‘Life is not just being alive, but being well.’ To increase an awareness of the effects of diabetes and its complications amongst the general population, World Diabetes Day is celebrated every year on November 14. The campaign is led by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and its member associations which engage millions of people worldwide in diabetes advocacy and awareness. The World Diabetes Day logo is the blue circle – the global symbol for diabetes which was developed as part of the ‘Unite for Diabetes’ awareness campaign. Students of class XI D presented an act on November 13, 2014 focusing on the theme for 2014 – 2016 ‘Healthy Living and Diabetes.’ The act was presented through various scenes showing factors and life style responsible for diabetes resulting in blindness, disability, weakness etc. With the twists and turns of the scenes, the grip was fine as the placards conveyed the message to unite for diabetes. The students played their part well and urged everyone to ‘Act today to save tomorrow.’

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International Games Day Observed In The School

November 12, 2014

‘The five S’s of sports training are: stamina, speed, strength, skill, and spirit; but the greatest of these is spirit.’ International Games Day is celebrated all over the world on November 15, to understand the mutually-reinforcing power of play and learning. To mark this day, students of class XI C invited the eminent sportspersons of different fields on November 12, 2014 to share their expertise on various games and the lessons learnt from games and sports. Apart from enjoying the thrill of being ahead during events, these sports personalities also unfolded many life lessons learnt from sports and games.viz; leadership, patience, team spirit, cooperation, confidence and understanding human relations. The presentation was successful in disseminating the message, ‘Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday’s success or put its failures behind and start over again. That’s the way life is, with a new game every day.’

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United Nations Day Observed In School

October 20, 2014

United Nations came into force on October 24, 1945 to act as a world forum to help countries work together to achieve peace and human rights. UN day is an occasion to highlight, celebrate and reflect on the work of the United Nations and its family of specialized agencies. Students of class IX D conducted the mock UN session on October 20, 2014 focusing on the complex phenomenon- Global Warming. The student delegates of different countries U.K, India, France, China, Japan voiced their concerns on predominant factors responsible for warming of the earth and the measures to control this critical problem. The delegates discussed ways to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, promote afforestation by adopting ‘greener’ alternatives to daily life and use existing technology to  manufacture more effective appliances for conserving resources.

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 International Day for Eradication of Poverty

October 17, 2014                                                                                                                                        

‘We live in a strange world where the poor walk miles to get food and the rich walk miles to digest food.’ International Day for Eradication of Poverty is observed on October 17 all over the world to promote awareness of the need to eradicate poverty and destitution in all countries. Students of class IX C marked the day on October 17, 2014 by focusing on the theme ‘Leave no one behind, think, decide and act together against extreme poverty.’ This burning issue of poverty was highlighted through a skit showing Parliament in session where the representatives of different states brought to fore the current record of people living in extreme poverty. The MP’s considered poverty as a violation of human rights and discussed at length the strategies to ensure that these rights are respected. Certain measures like empowering poor with education, employment, safety, security and health were discussed to find sustainable solution. The ministers exhorted to have a clear conscience while delineating their duties towards eradication of poverty which is perceived to be endemic in the country.

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World Food Day Observed In The School

October 16, 2014

‘If we can conquer space, we can conquer hunger’. World Food Day is observed on October 16 to strengthen national and international solidarity in the struggle against hunger, malnutrition and poverty. Students of class IX G staged this worldwide problem focusing on the theme ‘Feeding the world, caring for the earth.’ They demonstrated two scenes showing wastage of food in parties and school. The first scene highlighted the wastage of food at festive gatherings making true the dictum ‘Bigger the party, colossal the waste.’ The second scene depicted school students showing ‘Willful waste, woeful want.’ The students also presented bookmarks to the teachers raising awareness to stop wastage of food. The presentation was successful in disseminating the message ‘Love food, Hate waste.’

Sukkot Festival of Israel Celebrated In The School

October 15, 2014 

 ‘The epitome of true happiness is spiritual fulfillment’. To commemorate the Jews sojourn to the land of Israel from the desert, Sukkot festival is celebrated in Israel for seven days in the month of Tishrei (late September to October). The festival reminds that there is only one real source of security and protection and that is God.  Agriculturally, Sukkot is a harvest festival and is sometimes referred to as the Festival of Ingathering’, as it celebrates the gathering of the harvest. Students of class IX E celebrated this festival on October 15, 2014 with traditional ardour. The presentation began with the briefing of the origin and importance of the festival. It was amazing to see the beautiful work of art (hut and church) made by the students. The sukkot (hut) is a temporary dwelling with thatched roof in which members of the family dwell to eat and enjoy for seven days. They also pay visit to their place of pilgrimage, Jerusalem to attend holy mass, sing hymns, read scriptures etc. The four species comprising twigs and leaves of palm, myrtle, willow (lulav) along with the citrus fruit etrog represent blessings of nature are used for the ritual. The lulav and etrog are held together and, after reciting a blessing, waved in six directions — forward, backward, left, right, up and down in acknowledgment of God’s dominion over all creation. The traditional attire of the students added weight and relevance to the rich presentation.

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International Day for Disaster Reduction

October 13, 2014 

‘Build collective responsibility for disaster resilience because resilience is for life’. The International Day for Disaster Reduction is a day to celebrate how people and communities are reducing their risk to disasters and raising awareness about the importance of Disaster reduction. The students of class IX A celebrated this day on October 13, 2014 highlighting the need for a more inclusive approach for older people as the theme decided by UNO for 2014 focuses on older people and disasters. The mega floods scene in Jammu and Kashmir was brought live with the audio effects of torrential late monsoonal rains wreaking misery, havoc and devastation everywhere. The narrators briefed about the steps to be taken during such disasters to minimize the effects and stressed on strengthening the internal capabilities during such disasters. They also informed about the recent cyclone Hudhud hitting areas of Visakhapatnam and Odisha. The state government, meteorological and military personnel worked in synergy to mitigate the effects of cyclone in Visakhapatnam, Odisha and nearby parts. The pre-warning and management of disaster prone areas helped to minimize the damage.

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International Literacy Day Celebration in the School

September 8, 2014

‘Lead, kindly light’; let a beam of education illuminate every corner of the country.’ To foster an environment that encourages lifelong learning all over the country, students of class VII B celebrated International Literacy Day on September 8, 2014. The presentation began with the briefing about the importance of literacy and initiatives taken by UNESCO followed by the objectives and vision of ‘Sakshar Bharat Mission’ which stresses on reducing the number of non literate adults. Students voiced the opinions of the eminent leaders and their monumental efforts in the field of education. A few examples from the lives of Malala, Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam were quoted which created an intellectually stimulating ambience. Students looked thoughtful to take the lamp of education to every nook and corner of the country to make in real sense ‘literate India- developed India’. The presentation was a clarion call to the youngsters to become not only the spiritual leaders but also educational leaders to lead the country.

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Choithramians Celebrate National Independence Day of Uruguay                          

 August 25, 2014

‘From every mountain side let freedom ring.’ Located in South America, Uruguay also called as Banda Oriental got its name due to geographic location and historical reasons. After the decades of bitter battles and political negotiations, Uruguay became independent from the empire of Brazil on August 25, 1825. The national independence day of Uruguay was celebrated with a sense of respect and pride by the students of class VII F on August 25, 2014. The presentation was unique with the ‘30 minutes 30 reporters’ bringing live the information on country’s struggle for freedom. The stage turned into a news channel when reporters started briefing up about country’s culture, currency cuisine, language, sports etc. The placards displayed the national flag, exquisite dish called ‘asado’, barbecued beef and drink ‘mate’ which is sipped through a straw called bombilla. This was followed by the splendiferous traditional dance of the country which was applauded by the audience. The celebration ended with the parade of the enthusiastic and free citizens followed by the national anthem of Uruguay.

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Anti Nuclear Day (Hiroshima Day) Observed In The School                                                            

August 6, 2014  

‘Humanity and nuclear weapons can’t coexist.’ To commemorate the effects of war, a skit on  Anti Nuclear Day was presented by the students of class VIII C on August 6, 2014. Students brought to fore the ghastly act in the form of bomb attack killing more than 2,00,000 people. The attack has left psychological scar on people and still the effects are seen there. Students tried their best to create awareness that war ends up with nothing and peace is the most powerful weapon.   Malala Day Observed in Choithram School July 12, 2014

July 12, the birthday of an indomitable social activist Malala Yusufzai is marked as ‘Malala Day’.  It is an important day to raise awareness and to help girls realize their right to education.  Students of class X E observed ‘Malala Day’ showcasing tete-e-tete with Malala and an interviewer.  The audience was informed about the troubles and tribulations in her life to bring the sea-change in the lives of girls in Pakistan with the weapon of education.  A surge of pride could be seen on the students’ faces carrying the placards ‘We are proud of you, Malala.’ The presentation conveyed the message, ‘Tough times do not last but tough times do.’

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World Population Day Observed In Choithram School

July 11, 2014

To aware the people about the effects of overpopulation, World Population Day is observed all over the world on July 11. Students of class XA highlighted the increase in population to be one of the strongest factors distorting the future of human society.  With the help of alarming population data, students staged the burning issues of scarcity of water, other resources and employment problems showing the effects of increase in population.  The presentation ended with the message that development is possible only if population control is given the topmost priority.

world population day

Celebration of National Independence Day of Argentina

July 9, 2014

The National Independence Day of Argentina was celebrated on July 11, 2014 by the students of class XII C in the morning assembly. The road to freedom struggle with united provinces of South America was full of twists and turns and therefore, the day July 9 is also celebrated as revolution day.  The presentation started with the role play of students dressed up as a guide and tourists.  The guide cast a light on the prehistoric period and history of Argentina informing about the flora and fauna, description of flag, capital city, people, culture and tradition as well as special Tango music.  The narration by the students brought Argentina live on the stage as the cheers and thrills filled the air.  The hospitality shown by the Argentines in welcoming the guests with locro (main course), pastelitos (dessert), churros (doughnuts) and lots of drink left a deep impact and also activated the taste buds of the audience.  The Argentine dance by the students added flavour to the already rich presentation.  The celebration ended with the national anthem of Argentina.

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International Anti Drug Day In Choithram School

June 26, 2014

To mark International Anti Drug Day on June 26, students of class XI D of Choithram School, Manik Bagh presented a skit focusing on the theme ‘Responsibility and Learning To Say No To Drugs’. The presentation left a deep impact on the audience as it was narrated in the first person.  The skit was able to create awareness regarding the ill effects of drugs on health, family and life.  The skit ended on a positive note by conveying the message that one should be strong enough to say ‘No’ to the drug monster because life is beautiful.

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Choithramians Celebrate Madagascar’s National Independence Day

June 26, 2014

Madagascar, an island country celebrates its independence day on June 26 to commemorate the struggles and sacrifices of its people for independence from the French colonial rule.  The 54th celebration of independence was brought alive on the stage by the students of class XI A with the placards displaying the country’s tradition, culture, currency, flag, cuisine and language.  The students narrated the contributions of people who played a vital role in the progress of the country.  The Madagascar culture and cuisine reflects the influence of many countries thereby displaying unity in diversity.  Students also demonstrated a unique ritual termed ‘turning of the bone’ or ‘Fahmidana’ in which the family members dance with the corpses to remember their ancestors.  The Madagascar dance by class VI girls was a visual treat to the eyes which was followed by the national anthem of Madagascar.

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World Water Day Observed In The School

March 18, 2014

World Water Day is observed on March 22 every year to highlight water scarcity around the world and the need to use water wisely. Students of Class VI D presented a short mime act on this occasion during the morning assembly on March 18, 2014. They highlighted various ways in which we waste water and what type of problems we may face in future in case we do not conserve water in the present.

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World Consumer Rights Day Observed In Choithram School, Manikbagh

March 15, 2014

To mark World Consumer Rights Day, the students of class VI C presented a skit to make everyone aware of their rights against the social injustice in the society.  The skit in the form of a movie highlighted the scenes of jewellery owner and grocer dealing with the customers in an unfair manner.  The most effective part was the rally in which the students voiced their views demanding people to respect and protect consumer rights. Slogans like ‘Buy less, choose well and make it last’, ‘Think, act and then buy’, ‘Our money our rights’ and ‘Jago Grahak Jago’ had a deep impact on the audience.

world consumer rights day

International Women’s Day Celebrated in Choithram School, Manik Bagh

March 8, 2014

 International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8 all over the world to commemorate the achievements of ing assembly on March 7, 2014 by showing the sea change in the progress of women from rural level to global level.  The presentation commenced with the salutation to the unceasing and untiring spirit of various women personalities from sports, politics and business fields. The presentation which was a mixed blend of Sanskrit, Hindi and English narration also showcased students attired in pink clothes as Gulabi Gang of UP which is basking in national limelight and determined to fight against atrocities committed against women.  The celebration concluded with the song dedicated to the indomitable spirit of women.

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Celebration of the National Independence Day of The Gambia

February 1, 2014

The talent spotters of Class VI D brought live the National Independence Day of the Gambia on February 01, 2014 to commemorate its sovereignty from the British colonial rule on February 18, 1964. The students presented the motto of ‘Progress, Peace and Prosperity’ with alacrity. The event started with the news reporters bringing the exclusive, extensive and engrossing information about geographical situation, currency, climatic condition, food and food habits of the people of Gambia. The entire gamut of audience enjoyed the tribal dance form which made the day special. The event was highly acclaimed by the guests Dr. Habib ur Rahman Qasim, a pediatric surgeon and his wife Ms. Farishta Habib from Afghanistan . The parade comprising of citizens in colourful attire was the visual treat to the eyes. The celebration ended with the national anthem of the Gambia.

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 Choithramians Celebrate Epiphany Festival Of France

January 6, 2014

Festivals are celebrated all over the world in a variety of ways reflecting colour and tradition. Students of class VI C of Choithram School, Manik Bagh celebrated the Epiphany festival of France on Monday, January 6, 2014 with great gusto. Epiphany – a day of feasting is the celebration which shows the revelation of God in the human form of Jesus Christ. The day is also honoured due to the journey of three wise men who first saw the baby Jesus. Students’ creativity came to fore when they displayed the manger with baby Jesus. On this day King Cakes – special cakes are baked with the inclusion of bean. The person is rewarded with a paper hat and is honoured as a king or a queen if he/she finds a bean in the cake. The students enacted this part well which stole the show. The celebration wrapped up with the traditional dance and dinner.

National Independence Day of Haiti

January 3, 2014

The National Independence Day of Haiti was celebrated by the students of class VII B of Choithram School, Manik Bagh on Friday, January 3, 2014 displaying the resolute spirit of Haitians who gained freedom on January 1, 1804. The celebration began on the nostalgic note narrated by one of the freedom fighters paying tribute to the great heroes. The students gave the description of long standing and glorious tradition, map, flag, currency and population of Haiti- the mountainous land. The slave revolution for freedom was brought alive by the students incredibly well. They celebrated freedom by cooking and eating pumpkin soup on New Year’s Day. The dazzling parade comprising of musical extravaganza elevated the audience to the different level. The dance performance by the students made the celebration special for everyone. The event ended with the national anthem of Haiti. The chief guest Dr. S. C. Sharma, Director, Acropolis Technical Campus appreciated the efforts of the students.


Hannukah Festival of Israel Celebrated At Choithram School, Manik Bagh

December 20, 2013

Hannukah festival is celebrated in Israel between November and December to commemorate the rededication of holy temple in Jerusalem. The festival is celebrated for eight days and is marked by many national events. The students of class IX C of Choithram School, Manik Bagh celebrated the festival in the morning assembly on Friday, December 20, 2013 with traditional fervour. A short skit presentation on victory of Jews over Syrians was showcased. Students displayed ‘Menorah’ – a candle stand with nine branches symbolizing light of triumph. The story of oil miracle spreading the divine light across the country was narrated by the students. The celebration ended with the exchange of gifts amongst the citizens.


National Independence Day Of Kazakhstan Celebrated At Choithram School, Manik Bagh

December 16, 2013

The National Independence Day of Kazakhstan was celebrated with glitter and pomp by the students of class IX B of Choithram School, Manik Bagh on Monday, December 16, 2013. The unique presentation in the form of quizzing with celebrity added a special flavour to the already rich presentation displaying dance form, games, history, geographical location, cuisine, currency and culture. It was infact a visual treat to see the classic on the floor with effervescent enthusiasm. The President in his address to the citizens of the landlocked country reviewed the progress and summed up the goals to strengthen the country. The event ended with the national anthem of Kazakhstan.


International Games Day Celebrated At Choithram School, Manik Bagh

November 16, 2013

International Games Day is an initiative run by volunteers on November 16, all over the world to reconnect communities through libraries and is marked as the 6th Annual Event. The theme of international games was well presented by the students of class X E in the morning assembly. The intelligent games chess, poker and carom were demonstrated to bring fore the message of team work, concentration and sports spirit. The students very well briefed up the educational and social values of all types of games.


World Diabetes Day Observed in Choithram School, Manikbagh

November 14, 2013

To mark the World Diabetes Day on November 14, 2013, students of class X B presented a skit highlighting the causes, symptoms and control of the disease on November 12, 2013. The skit focused on precaution and prevention to understand and combat the disease. Students displayed charts to aware people about types of diabetes, diet and weight and benefits of exercise. The presentation was successful in conveying the message ‘Regular physical exercise not only adds years to life but also life to years’.

National Independence Day of Cambodia

November 9, 2013

The 60th National Independence Day of Cambodia was celebrated with versatility of sheen and verve by the students of class VIII A. In a nut-shell, students briefed about the arduous journey of freedom, tradition, culture and food of Cambodia. The celebration commenced with the colourful Cambodian folk dance followed by the Prime Minister’s greetings on 60th anniversary of freedom to the citizens. The gala parade was marked by the ebullient, exuberant students waving national flags displaying fire crackers and colourful ribbons. The whole ambience was a concocted combination of regalia, exhilaration and scintillation. The celebration ended with the national anthem of Cambodia


Halloween Festival of USA and Canada Celebrated In Choithram School, Manik Bagh

October 31, 2013

Halloween, the shortened version of All Hallows Eve is dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs and all the faithful departed believers in USA and Canada. The festival was celebrated with fun and frolic on October 31, 2013 by the students of class X A of Choithram School, Manik Bagh in the morning assembly. The celebration commenced with the introduction of origin and culture of Halloween displaying a wide range of Halloween symbols viz., black cats, bats, masks, spiders and images of skulls. Children also showcased ‘trick-o-treat activity’ wherein children go from house to house asking for treats such as candy or sometimes money, with the question, ‘Trick or treat?’ The word ‘trick’ refers to ‘threat’ to perform mischief on the homeowners or their property if no treat is given.  The celebration gained momentum with the carnival parade featuring students in costumes and masks of ghosts, the beautifully carved pumpkin lantern and the colourful candies.  The creativity and team effort of the students came to the fore with all 36 students of the section participating in the colourful celebration.


Choithramians Celebrate Zambia’s National Independence Day

October 24, 2013

The national independence day of Zambia was celebrated with great fervour by the students of Choithram School, Manik Bagh on October 24, 2013 displaying the motto ‘one country, one nation’. The whole ambience gleamed with the captivating music and dance. The audience witnessed the blend of tradition and culture, language and profession in the presentation.  The President in his inspiring speech urged the citizens to have faith in themselves. The programme ended with the national anthem of Zambia.

As the world becomes a global village, such celebrations enable students to learn about the culture of foreign countries and identify the similarities and differences in the traditions of these countries and India.


United Nation Day Observed in Choithram School, Manik Bagh

October 24, 2013

To mark the occasion of the United Nations Day on October 24, 2013, the students of class XI briefed the United Nations Millennium Goals in areas of health, peace, human rights, poverty, hunger and primary education by the target date of 2015.  With the help of placards, students presented the information based on recent data which focused on areas where global action is required and also stated the improvements seen in many of the targets like primary education and eradication of diseases.

International Literacy Day Observed in Choithram School, Manik Bagh

September 8, 2013

Literacy is a right and a foundation for lifelong learning, better well-being and livelihood. This year’s International Literacy Day dedicated to ‘literacies for the 21st century’ to highlight the need to realize ‘basic literacy skills for all’ as well as equip everyone with more advanced literacy skills as part of lifelong learning was observed in Choithram School on September 6, 2013. International Literacy Day observed annually on September 8 serves to remind the international community of the importance of literacy and learning globally, with a developing country like India struggling to achieve 100% illiteracy. Through a powerful skit, the students of class VII conveyed the message of creating awareness towards the power of being educated by donating books and reading material to the needy, volunteering to teach literacy classes in one’s community and becoming a mentor of a non-literate person.


Brazil On The Rise – Choithramians Celebrate Brazil National Independence Day

September 7, 2013

Students of Choithram School, Manik Bagh celebrated, ‘The Independence Day of Brazil’ on September 7, 2013 with great zeal and exuberance. The guest of honour was Larissa, a Brazilian student of grade 12 of Choithram International School.

The programme commenced with the poetic admiration of the multi-faceted and multi-racial Brazil, showing its large territory. The glimpse of the 500 year old complicated history was offered to examine the culture, cuisine, music, dance and wonders of the mega diverse society. Worldwide status of present Brazil was depicted in terms of population, economy, abundant supplies of minerals, water and other resources. Class VI girls danced to the tune of a vibrant Brazilian dance. The carnival was the main attraction of the programme. The students walked in their best, vibrant, colourful dresses, wearing patterned masks and head dress. The carnival boiled on the pavement of the Assembly area and accelerated the spectators with fun. The most brilliant part of the programme was the singing of the Brazilian National Anthem by the students tuning to the music played by themselves. The efforts showcased their linguistic inclination. On the whole, the exotic celebration left everyone mesmerized, feeling close to the paradise.


Choithramians Celebrate Afghanistan National Independence Day

August 19, 2013

Independence Day is an occasion to celebrate the glorious past and national pride of the country. The Independence Day of Afghanistan was celebrated with dollops of enthusiasm on August 19, 2013 at Choithram School, Manik Bagh. The stage was all set with colourful posters, props, flag and map of Afghanistan with the students dressed in vibrant colourful costumes. To get a better insight the students enacted different scenes beginning with the class room scene where the teacher reminds the students about the Independence Day. This scene was followed by the dining etiquette known as Dastarkhan. The conversation between the grandfather and the grandson in the next scene actually transformed the audience to the land of camels and sand dunes. The audience was informed about the three Anglo-Afghan wars fought and only after the third Afghan War the Treaty of Rawalpindi was signed. This treaty reaffirmed Durand Line, the international boundary which led the British to abandon their claims of Afghanistan and allowed the nation to declare its complete independence. The Independence Day of Afghanistan was celebrated to commemorate the Treaty of Rawalpindi in 1919.

Apart from this, the students also highlighted the Flag of Afghanistan which was known as the King’s Flag and also mentioned the importance of the three colours on the Afghan Flag. The students used colourful banners, charts and flashcards to give detailed information about the geographical features; its location, climate, flora and fauna, mountains and rivers as well as the present economy, progress in modern Afghan, the literacy level, official language and progress of women. The rich culture was shown by playing the Rubab, a very important instrument and a colourful dance performance. Finally, the red letter day in the history of Afghanistan was given due respect by singing the National Anthem of Afghanistan not only by the students but by the entire staff of the school.


Choithramians Celebrate Obon Festival of Japan

August 16, 2013

‘Obon Festival’ of Japan was celebrated at Choithram School, Manik Bagh on Friday, August 16, 2013 by class VIII students. The students were attired in Japanese kimonos and the assembly stage was also decorated in the Japanese style. Obon festival, a Buddhist custom is annually celebrated between August 13 to 16 by the Japanese to honor the spirits of their ancestors. The offerings were made to Buddhist Altar and the special dance ‘Bon Odori’ was performed to welcome the spirits of the dead. The students also floated paper lanterns as a part of the celebration. As a part of Japanese tradition, paper lanterns are floated down rivers symbolically signaling the ancestral spirits’ return to the world of the dead.


Eid Mubarak – Id-ul-Fitr Celebrated in Choithram School, Manik Bagh

August 8, 2013

The Id-ul-Fitr festival of Saudi Arabia was celebrated at Choithram School, Manik Bagh on Thursday, August 8, 2013 by class VII students.  The stage had a beautiful backdrop of a camel and a palm tree.  The audience felt transported to Saudi Arabia when the students dressed as Sheikhs greeted each other in a festive mood.  Arabian music was played in the background which added flavour to the presentation. The narrators briefed the audience about the significance of fasting and feasting and brought to fore the culture of Saudi Arabia.  The celebration gave the message of kindness, co-operation and brotherhood for our fellow beings.


Working Towards Peace – Anti Nuclear Day Observed in the School

August 6, 2013

Anti Nuclear Day, the 68th anniversary of the Hiroshima Day was observed in Choithram School, Manik Bagh on Tuesday, August 6, 2013. The tragic after effects of the nuclear bomb explosion were portrayed through a skit by the students of class VII.  The mock interviews with the survivors of the nuclear explosion were heart-rending.  Students explained the benefits of nuclear energy and urged the audience to use the advancements in science for a good cause. They held banners with symbols of peace and harmony depicting the message of global peace.

Choithramians Celebrate Yam Festival of Nigeria and Ghana

August 5, 2013

The Yam festival of Nigeria and Ghana was celebrated with great zeal and fervour at Choithram School, Manik Bagh on August 5, 2013. Students of class VI enthusiastically participated in the presentation, shedding light on the celebration which is to offer thanks to God for a plentiful harvest.  Dressed up as the locals of Nigeria, the girls took the basket of Yam on their head and the other students marched to the beats of the drums and the sound of woodwind instrument.  The highlight of the festival, ‘the wrestling contest’ in Ghana was thoroughly enjoyed by the audience.  The drummers beat their drums and young women attired in the traditional dress of Ghana came into the circle and danced which was followed by the dance and dinner.  The winner in festive mood was offered the feast comprising of yams and soft drinks.  Celebration of such festivals enables children to know the culture of people across the globe.


Choithramians Celebrate Maldives National Independence Day

July 26, 2013

The national independence day of Maldives was celebrated with great fervour by the students of Choithram School, Manik Bagh on July 26, 2013. The students presented a colourful cultural programme which included the important facts about Maldives, the island nation which included its location, capital, language, ground level, educational system and literacy rate.

Through a skit, the students showcased the early history of the country enshrined in myth and legend and its conversion to Islam. The legend of Rannamaari, a sea monster who demanded a sacrifice every full moon until a brave man confronted him and destroyed him through the recitation of Quran, was the highlight of the programme.

The presentation included information about the various important Maldivian festivals like Ramadan, Eid-ul-Al’h’aa, Prophet’s birthday, Kuda Eid, Republic Day, National Day and many more. The students attired in traditional costumes presented the Maldivian dance. The main events of the Independence Day celebrations were also presented which included President Mohammad Waheed’s address to the nation and Maldivian national anthem.

Celebration of Independence Day of a foreign country made the students aware of its significance and they could also identify the similarities and differences in the culture, tradition and the way of celebration of festivals in Maldives and India. Such exposure would give them a chance to grow at the global level.


Choithramians Celebrate Crop Over Festival of Barbados

July 20, 2013

Barbados’s most colourful and popular ‘Crop Over Festival’ was celebrated at Choithram School, Manik Bagh with zeal and fervor on July 20, 2013. A presentation on the same by the students of class IX reflected the culture and spirit of Barbados, a small island nation located in the Caribbean.

The crop over festival signifies the end of the sugarcane season, but over the years it has changed its scale.  The students dressed in colourful attires presented the festival features such as singing, dancing and feasting.  The crowning of the king and the queen and the different competitions for various titles like the Party Monarch, Sweet Soca Monarch and Pic-O-De-Monarch was applauded and cheered by the audience. The band parade, music and live entertainment are an integral part of the festivities. The students could relate the ‘crop over festival’ of Barbados to many harvest festivals celebrated in India with the same gaiety.  Getting to know about the celebrations of festivals of a different nation indeed helps them to rise to a global platform.


Malala Day Observed in Choithram School, Manik Bagh

July 12, 2013

‘Education is a fundamental human right, a Millennium Development Goal (MDG) and crucial to mutual understanding and global citizenship.’ The 16th birthday of Malala Yousufzai, a child rights activist was observed as Malala Day on July 12, 2013 in Choithram School, Manik Bagh. Through a powerful skit, students of class X showcased Malala’s effort to gain access to education for girls in the Swat valley of northwestern Pakistan and the brutal attack by Talibans when she was on her way to school on October 9, 2012. At the heart of ‘Malala Day’ is a call to improve the lives of 57 million out of school children by improving education access by 2015. Malala Day can be a new beginning for education and the leading role that youth around the world can play in enabling all children to get an education.


World Population Day Observed in Choithram School, Manik Bagh

July 11, 2013

With an aim to raise awareness of global population issues, students of class X of Choithram School, Manik Bagh, observed World Population Day on July 11, 2013. They tried to sensitize the student community about various population issues such as the importance of family planning, gender equality, poverty, maternal health and human rights through a group discussion. The consequences of over population, viz., poverty, unemployment, pollution, deforestation and efforts made by UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund) were also highlighted. They accentuated the UN theme for 2013 where awareness is being raised of the issue of adolescent pregnancy in the hopes of delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every child birth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.


An Eclipse of A Dark Heart – International Anti Drug Day In Choithram School, Manik Bagh

June 26, 2013

Students of class XII celebrated International Anti Drug Day in the morning assembly on June 26, 3013 showcasing a skit presentation relayed to the theme – ‘Responsibility and Learning To Say No’. The skit commenced with a statutory warning, ‘Drug intake is injurious to health and life.’ It highlighted the story of a bright, cheerful boy, trying to seek friendship in a new environment but is ignored.  Dejection sets in and in desire for the acceptance, befalls into the company of drug addicts, coerced by them.  Ways to say ‘no’ assertively drew the skit to an end. The critical role of family, school, friends and community was stressed to sensitize the students towards the menace of drugs.


Celebration of National Independence Day Of Mozambique

June 25, 2013

The National Independence Day of Mozambique was celebrated with fervour and zest in the school on June 25, 2013, a step initiated to embed global citizenship amongst the students. The country’s National Anthem was played, with the students and teachers saluting the national flag during the celebration. Thereafter, glimpses of Mozambique were shown, highlighting the various facets of the country in question.  The country’s struggle for independence from the Portuguese, which was attained on June 25, 1975, was commemorated, as it is in sync with that of India’s. Other useful insights were provided, such as the various states that constitute Mozambique, its cuisine, currency, economic partners, geographical layout, places of interest from the point of tourism, sports, folk culture, languages spoken and the regime/type of government functioning. All day long, students and teachers pinned the national flag on their shoulders to show their solidarity towards their brethren of this country. Mozambique has a friendly relationship with India, with which it has entered into significant deals. Diplomatic ties are healthy and congenial. The celebration of the National Day of Mozambique would pave a significant way in fostering global harmony and universal one-mindedness among the student community.